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I've always known Harry. I just never got around to talking to him. I see him at school all the time, but I'm not very good at introducing myself. I get really nervous around new people. I guess that makes me lucky that I have my two best friends, Amanda and Brooke. They love talking and meeting new people, and I just tag along.

Harry had so many friends. I always saw him talking to people, and whenever he got up to leave the room, everyone waved to him. He could talk to anyone super easily, even if he met them 30 seconds ago. He was smart, athletic, talented. Oh and did I forget, extremely hot. He could pick up basically any girl in this entire school.

But, he never noticed me, so I didn't acknowledge him.

"Alexa!" I heard someone call

I glanced up from my book, to see Brooke calling me. Her and I always had a closer relationship than me and Amanda, I've just known Brooke longer.

"Alexa, I cannot wait for school to be over! Can't you imagine it, us relaxing in the sun at the club, hot guys trying to get with us everyday! We can go to the carnival every night. This summer's gonna be better than ever!"

We lived in a small town right outside of Philadelphia, PA, and there were carnivals almost every night. We went to a country club near our neighborhood, and were there all summer. Brooke and I were both on the swim team there, but that wasn't really Amanda's thing.

"Brooke, we're juniors . What guys do you think will be noticing us? Plus, hooking up with random strangers isn't really my thing."

"Alexa, you need to step out of your comfort zone this summer. Do something adventurous, throw a party, meet a boy. You can't spend the whole summer swimming and reading. That's what you always do."

"Hey guys," Amanda says as she walks up behind us," whatcha talkin' about?"

"I was telling Alexa that she needs to be fun this summer. We want to do fun things this summer, and we don't want to leave you out so you can be boring." Brooke turned toward me.

"Guys, I'm fine." I say, in a stronger tone than I meant. "Sorry, its just, I feel like you guys are always on my back about 'expanding my horizons', and it's just pissing me off."

"Sorry Alexa, we didn't mean to upset you," Amanda pipes up. "We just want you to have more fun with us when we're out."

"Whatever, I gotta get to class, I'll see ya later?"

"Yea we'll see ya!" They respond.

Only three more days 'till the end of this school year. God, I can't wait until its over.


What did you guys think? I know it wasn't that good, but I'm working on it. I know it's a bit all over the place, but I know where I'm going with this, so bare with me here. Thank you so much for reading!

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