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Alexa's p.o.v.

Gemma's party is tonight and I couldn't be more excited to see Harry. I'm a little bit nervous to meet his family, but he's told me all good things.

I head upstairs to get dressed. Harry said it was a pretty fancy party, and to dress nicely.  After I shower and dry my hair, I put on a long silver dress, with a low cut on the front. Brooke and I went shopping the other day, and she helped me pick it out. Suddenly, my phone buzzes

Harry: Be there in 5.

I wait by the door until I see his car pull up. I step outside and there he is, looking handsome as ever.

"Hi," I say with a smile.

"Hey," he responds, "you look gorgeous." He opens the door for me and I step into his car. Throughout the car ride, I kept on catching Harry taking glances at me. After about 10 minutes, we arrived at the party.

Harry helps me out of the car and wraps his arm around my waste. We walk up to the entrance. The venue is a beautiful ballroom at a country club.

The two of us walk up to two women.

"Mom, Gemma, this is Alexa. Alexa, this is my mom Anne, and my sister Gemma," Harry introduces me.

"It's so nice to meet the both of you" I respond.

"I've been super excited to meet you too," Gemma says to me, "And I love your dress."

"Thank you, and thank you so much for having me to your fundraiser."

Harry pulls me away from the conversation to go and say hello to the guys.

After a little while of Harry chatting to the guys and some of his other family friends, and me following him like a lost puppy, he asks me if I want to dance. We walk out onto the floor just as a slow song comes on. Harry pulls me close and I wrap my arms around his neck. I immediately recognize the song, it's "Wake Me Up" by Ed Sheeran. I just dance with Harry and watch his face.

I should ink my skin
With your name
And take my passport out again
And just replace it

"Aw, I love this song" I tell Harry as I stare into his bright green eyes.

"Me too."

See I could do without a tan
On my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle
And I should run you a hot bath
And fill it up with bubbles

'Cause maybe you're lovable
And maybe you're my snowflake
And your eyes turn from green to gray and in the winter I'll
Hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair
'Cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder

I lean my head in and rest it on his shoulder, as he pulls me closer.

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up

And would you ever feel guilty if you did the same to me?
Could you make me a cup of tea to open my eyes in the right way?
And I know you love Shrek
'Cause we've watched it 12 times
But maybe you're hoping for a fairy tale too
And if your DVD breaks today
You should've got a VCR
Because I've never owned a Blu-ray, true say

I don't want this moment to end. It is absolutely amazing. Suddenly, I hear Harry softly start to sing the words into my ear, and he's actually really good.

And now I've always been shit at computer games
And your brother always beats me
And if I lost, I'd go across and chuck all the controllers at the TV
And then you'd laugh at me
And be asking me
If I'm gonna be home next week
And then you'd lie with me 'til I fall asleep
And flutter eye lash on my cheek between the sheets

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up

And I think you hate the smell of smoke
You always try get me to stop
But you drink as much as me
And I get drunk a lot
So I'll take you to the beach
And walk along the sand
And I'll make you a heart pendant
With a pebble held in my hand
And I'll carve it like a necklace
So the heart falls where your chest is
And now a piece of me is a piece of the beach
And it falls just where it needs to be
And rests peacefully
So you just need to breathe
To feel my heart against yours now, against yours now

'Cause maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Or maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up

After the song ends, Harry and I walk back to our table to eat some food. He keeps his hand intertwined with his the whole time.

"Harry, I didn't know you could sing. You have an amazing voice" I tell him.

"Thanks. I don't really sing a lot, but I like it."

Once we see people starting to clear out, Harry whispers in my ear, "do you want to get out of here?"

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Okay, lets go."

We climb into his car, and sooner or later, we arrive at a frozen yogurt shop.

"Harry, are you serious. We look way too dressed up to go into this place right now."

But, he simply ignores me and drags me inside. I fill my cup up with birthday cake and oreo, and Harry gets some weird combination. He generously offers to pay for both of ours, and we decide to eat while he drives back to my house.

"So, I know I asked you to be my date to this event, but I don't really consider a charity dinner a date, so, Alexa, would you like to go on a proper date with me?" Harry asks

I can't keep myself from smiling. "Yes, of course I would." He smiles back at me and grabs my hand.

Once we get arrive at my house, Harry quickly runs to my side to open the door for me.

"I had a really nice time tonight, Harry. Thank you so much for taking me."

"Of course, I wouldn't want anyone else there with me." He says before he leans in for a short kiss.

"Goodnight, Harry." I say as I slip out of his grasp, just to tease him.

"Goodnight, Alexa."

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