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Harry's p.o.v.

I can't believe I just kissed her. I've been wanting to do that since the moment I laid my eyes on her. She's just so beautiful, the way her hair lays perfectly on her shoulders and her eyes glow with the water.

We walk back quietly to the group through the cold sand, until we see them running around.

"Hey guys! Where did you go?" Amanda shouts out, cuddled up in Liam's arms.

"Oh we just took a little walk" I tell her and glance back at Alexa, who is still smiling from ear to ear.

The two of us go to lay down on the sand. Alexa lays on top of my arm, and moves her body close to mine.

"So Alexa," I turn to her, "My sister Gemma is having a charity party next week, do you want to be my date?"

"Of course Harry, I would love to." She responds with a smile

"Hey Harry, I met a girl!" Niall calls to me from a distance, as he walks up. "This is Caroline, she was down at a party and wants to have some fun," He winks at me, "So I'm gonna take her back to your place, and uh, I'll see ya later."

He takes her hand and walks off of the beach and down the street.

"Wow, didn't take him long to find a girl to get with" Alexa comments.

About 2o minutes later, we all decide it's time to go home, and we start to walk toward the house. Mine and Alexa's houses are 2 blocks apart, so when we reach my house, I tell the guys to go inside and I walk the girls home.

Alexa's p.o.v.

Harry offers to walk me and the girls home, and although I don't want the night to end, we reach my house.

"Brooke and Amanda, you guys can go in, I'll be there in a minute." I tell them. I want to stay out here with Harry for as long as possible. "Thanks for walking us back" I say to him.

"No problem, it was no trouble." He responds. Neither of us say anything and it gets a little uncomfortable, again. "Well, goodnight." Harry says.

"I don't want you to leave." I blurt out, but immediately regret it, trying not to seem desperate.

"I don't want to leave either." He responds

"Why don't you come inside then."

I take his hand and guide him through the front door and up to my bedroom, where I close the door. Harry instantly pushes my body up against the door and crashes his lips to mine. This kiss isn't like the other one. This one is harsh and full of hunger. Our tongues dance in rhythm through the kiss. He detaches our mouths and leaves a sloppy trail of kisses down my collarbone.

"God you're so fucking beautiful." Harry says between each kiss.

He starts sucking on the top of my breast. That's gonna leave a mark.

"Harry, wait" I say, and he looks into my eyes, "I don't want to rush this or go too fast, and I'm really tired. Can we just lay down?"

"Yea of course, why don't you get changed and I'll step in the hallway."

I nod and he steps out of the room. I feel bad if he was expecting anything tonight, but I don't want to rush this. I really like him and I don't want to screw it up. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, and throw my hair into a messy bun. I open the door and Harry walks back in.

We both lay down on the bed, and he wraps his arms around me. He strokes my hair until I completely fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning to see Harry still asleep.  I slip out of his grasp and head to the bathroom, to cover up the hickey that doesn't need explaining right now. I go downstairs to see Brooke and Amanda already up.

"How much later did you come in last night?" Brooke asks.

"Yea, what were you and Harry doing outside?" Amanda adds.

"Ok, um, last night, when Harry and I left you guys on the beach, we kissed and it was absolutely amazing. And then he asked me to be his date to a charity dinner. And then when he walked us home, he came upstairs and we just went to sleep." I tell them

"Wait, he's here right now?" Brooke says.

"Yea, he's asleep."

Moments later, Harry comes down the stairs.

"Good morning ladies," He says in an oh so sexy, raspy voice.

I give him a smile and offer coffee.

Harry's p.o.v.

After Alexa made me breakfast, I decided to go on a jog. I was already in shorts and a tshirt, and she let me borrow a pair of John's sneakers, since I didn't feel like going home. About half way through my run, my phone lights up with Louis's caller ID.

"Hey Hazza, Brooke told me you stayed at Alexa's again last night. How'd that go?" Louis asks through the phone.

"Nothing happened. I mean something almost did, but we were just sleeping" I tell him, hoping he'll just drop it.

"Okay, well did you ask her to Gemma's dinner?"

"Yea she said she's coming" I'm thrilled to have her come to this event. I know she's gonna look stunning.

[A/N: first date omg!!!
I kept on changing the characters names and stuff so my apologies if everything is screwed up. I would love feedback or opinions on my story if you have any! Thanks for reading!<3]

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