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After that one night in town, Harry and I just kept on hanging out. Nothing really changed. Amanda and Liam finally decided to date, but to be honest, I think they both just wanted a fuck buddy. Brooke and Louis just kept on being their weird selves, always keeping secrets.

I decided to start packing for the beach, as we were leaving tomorrow.


Anyone coming to the pool? -Harry


We all sat around the round table, talking and eating.

"So what are you guys up to this weekend?" Niall asked.

"Brooke, Amanda, and I are going down to Avalon. You guys should come."

"Wait that's actually perfect," Harry added, "my parents are out of town this week. The guys can stay at my place."


The next day we all packed into the car and John drove us up to Avalon. He dropped us off, and we were soon alone, ready to party.

We headed straight to the beach. Everyone ran into the water, but I stayed back to unpack our things. Harry came running out and took a seat on the blanket next to me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I heard him say. I could tell he was looking at me, but when I glanced over, he looked away. I just gave a nod and we sat in silence.

A few moments later, when I was least expecting it, Harry grabs me by the waist and runs straight into the water and throws me down.

"Harry oh my god I'm gonna kill you!"

"You guys act so much like a couple, why don't you just date already?" Brooke asks from behind.

"Why don't you and Louis date already." I respond.

"Fair point."


A few hours later we end up back at my house.

"Guys instead of just sitting around," Liam says, "why don't we play truth or dare."

"Why, that's so immature." I tell them.

"Come on Alexa," Brooke begs, "just have some fun."

"Ugh okay fine."

We all take a seat in a circle. Of course, I'm placed next to Harry. We decide that Liam can go first, since he was the one who suggested the game.

"Niall, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to take a picture of your dick and send it to a random phone number." Liam tells him.

"Wow that's all you've got. Easy." Niall says back. He takes a picture of his junk and types in random numbers.

"Okay Niall, you're up now."

"Harry, truth or dare?" Niall asks Harry.


"Why don't you tell the group how you really feel about Alexa."

Harry just grins and bites his lip in response

"Enough said." Says Niall. "Okay Harry, it's your turn."

"Alexa, truth or dare?"

"Uhmm... dare" I choose

"I dare you to do five shots." He grins.

"I'll go get the vodka!" Calls Brooke.

"Trying to get me drunk, I see." I say to him

Sooner or later, I'm doing shots one after another, hearing the group count to five. My vision soon becomes groggy and I don't know what's going on.

Harry's p.o.v.

I can't stop laughing as Alexa does shots. I didn't think she would actually do it. She doesn't seem like the kind of person. I can't help but stare at her beautiful face.

"Alexa, it's your turn." I tell her.

"Okay ummmm Louis, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to run around the outside of the house naked!" She practically yells. God she's so beautiful.

When Louis comes in he immediately calls to me and I choose dare.

"I dare you and Alexa to go up to her room alone for a little while."

Of course Louis does this to me. He's the only one I've actually told that I really like Alexa, but I think the others can just tell.

I grab Alexa's hand and practically drag her up the stairs. When we get in there I just sit her down, she's way too drunk to stand.



"You're amazing. Did you know that? Like not just as a person. As a friend too. You take good care of me. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Go for it."

"Don't tell Brooke and Amanda, but you're my best friend."

She was slurring her words, but it was absolutely adorable.

"Thanks Alexa, you're a great friend too." I laughed

She laid down next to me in my bed and I pulled her close to me.

"Not to mention you're incredibly sexy."

I raised an eyebrow at her. It was nice to know she thought that.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to say that. Pretend you never heard."

"Okay, I will," I could tell she was drifting off, "goodnight Alexa."

"Goodnight Harry."

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