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Harry's p.o.v.

I wake up the next morning to see Alexa, still sound asleep in my arm. She looks so peaceful. I can't help but stare at her. I slip my arm out from under her and head into the bathroom. When I come out, she looks over at me and yawns.

"Good morning, sleepy."

"Hey Harry," she responds, "ah god damn my head is pounding, what happened last night?"

"Well, you were drunk off your ass. Lets go downstairs and find some Advil."

We walk down the stairs to find Louis and Brooke asleep on the couch and Liam sitting at the counter with coffee. 

"Hey lovebirds," Liam whispers.

"Shut up Liam, you're the one that can't stop fucking Amanda." Alexa snips back. 

Immediately after her last word, she runs to the bathroom and throws up. I rub her back in hope that she'll feel better.

"C'mon, lets get you some water."

When we head back to the kitchen, Brooke and Louis have gotten up, and Niall has come downstairs. Alexa goes to lay down on the couch.

"So, Harry" Louis looks to me, "you and Alexa never came back down last night..."

"Louis, nothing happened, she just fell asleep."

"Yea, okay" Niall comments.

"Seriously, I really like her, I don't want to screw this up."

Alexa's p.o.v.

After laying on the couch for a few minutes, I was going to head back to the kitchen to get something to eat. I hear my name a few times and eavesdrop in the other room. 

"Seriously, I really like her, I don't want to screw this up." I hear Harry say. 

This sentence makes my heart skip a beat. I really like him too. 


"Okay, here's the plan. The guys and I will go back to Harry's to get ready and meet back here at 6:30" Liam informs the group.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out at the house and tanning on the deck. We decided that we are gonna go to the shops tonight.  I head into my bathroom to hop in the shower. When I'm done, I dry my hair and get changed into jean shorts and a tank top. I put on light makeup and go down to the kitchen to wait. Amanda comes down in a romper and sandals, and the boys walk back through the door. 

Finally Brooke comes down and we head out. It's a small walk, but not too far away. Harry and I hang towards the back of the group, so we can talk in private. 

After a few moments of silence, Harry speaks up.

"The weather is great right now."

"Yea" I quietly respond. This is kinda awkward. "Thanks for staying with me last night," I speak again, "I hope I wasn't too embarrassing."

"No you were fine. The guys were just being dicks and dared us to go upstairs, but nothing happened. They're kinda annoying sometimes."

When we finally get to the shops, Brooke, Amanda, and I drag the boys around to all of the boutiques, until it starts to get dark out. 

"Can we please go down to the beach," Niall begs, "you guys are all coupled up, I need a girl."

We laugh at Niall's loneliness and give in, walking down toward the sand. He instantly runs off to find drunk girls, and Brooke, Louis, Amanda, and Liam run down to the water's edge. Harry grabs my hand and pulls me in the other direction. God he's hot in the moonlight.

"Where are we going?" I ask him

"Just walking." He says, "I just wanted to get away from the group for a little while."

We both walk in silence, listening to the waves crash. My heart is racing as I think whether to say anything about what I heard earlier. 

"Harry," I say, stopping him and looking into his green eyes. "I heard you in the kitchen earlier, and..."

Before I can get the next word out, he smashes his lips into mine. He pulls me close as I deepen the kiss and tangle my hands in his hair. The kiss is soft, but passionate. After a few moments, he pulls away, breaking the kiss. 

"We should probably get back," Harry says with a grin and starts walking away, as I just stand there, smiling like an idiot. 


[A/N: Harry and Alexa finally kissed. I've been waiting to write this!

Thank you so much for reading, I love writing this story! I'm so excited for the next few parts! <3]

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