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The bell rang just as I was packing up my things. Finally, junior year is over.

"Have a wonderful summer everyone!" My English teacher, Ms. Smith, called

"Bye Ms. Smith!" A unison of people called back.

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and went to find Brooke. We were supposed to go to the pool right after school, to start the summer the right way.

"Hey, Alexa!" I turned around to see Amanda running up to me. "Are you guys going to the pool later?"

"Yea, I was just going to find Brooke now, come with me. John said he could drop us off on his way home."

John was my older brother. He was a senior, but he should only be a junior. He is the extremely smart one in the family. He's also a total smart ass.

The pool was super crowded, but luckily, our seats were untouched. The three of us always sat in the same exact spot, so people knew to not sit there. We pulled up some extra chairs, in case any of our other friends decided to show. I checked my phone, 12:32 p.m.

"Do you guys wanna grab some lunch, I'm starving"

"Yea me too, and I really want a lemonade." Amanda replied

We walked up to the snack shack, and I ordered chicken fingers and a lemonade. I always got chicken fingers because they made me feel like a child, and I didn't have to deal with drama and responsibility, and all that crap.

We got our food, and grabbed a table in the sun.

"So what's the plan for the summer?" Amanda asked. "What weeks are we going to the beach, when will you be away, what nights are the fairs open?"

Every summer, I take the girls down to my beach house in Avalon. We always do the same stuff, shop, eat, tan, swim. This summer, though, my parents are going to be on work trips most of the time, so they are trusting us to stay there by ourselves.

"I don't know, I was thinking the week of July thirty fi..." I looked over to my right, and was distracted by something. Or should I say someone. Harry walked in, and he was looking gorgeous. He looked over in our direction, and gave a small wave and a smile. Honestly, I think my heart melted.

"Oh my god. Alexa, did you see that? Harry fucking Styles just waved to you," Brooke mentions, as if I didn't see it. "Are you guys talking? Why didn't you tell us?

"No, guys, we aren't talking. I've never spoken to him in my entire life."

"Well you should be, we're gonna make that happen." Brooke says.

"Brooke, please, just leave the boy alone."

She just ignores me, and turns to Amanda. "We should ask Liam to invite him to his party, and then they can hook up!" She squeals.

Liam was our best guy friend, who happened to be our neighbor. He was a total man-whore, and everyone knew it, but we loved him anyways, cuz we've known him forever. Every year, at the beginning of summer, he has a summer bash, and he lets us help make the guest list. He's filthy rich, he has a pool, and his parents buy him whatever he wants.

"OMG you're genius Brooke, he'll totally let us!" Amanda agrees

"Guys, the party's tomorrow, how do you expect him to change the guest list by tonight?" I really just wanted them to leave Harry alone.

"Easy, I'll just text Liam now! Hey Liam, you need to invite Harry Styles to the party ASAP." She reads her text aloud.

Oh my god. If Harry actually comes to the party, I might just die.


That was kinda a lousy chapter. It's just a filler to introduce the story. Again, thank you so so much for reading!

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