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*Warning: light smut*

Harry's p.o.v.

I'm hanging out with the guys today before my date with Alexa, although, I really wish I was with her right now.

"What are you planning for tonight?" Liam asks.

"I'm taking her somewhere very romantic, so hopefully it goes well"

"Aww, is our little Harry going soft?" Niall teases.

"No, Niall, I just really like her. I want her to be impressed."

"Just show her your dick, she'll be impressed then" Liam jokes.

"Not funny" I say as I roll my eyes.

We sit around for a while longer, while I just play our date over and over in my head. A thousand different scenarios are coming to mind, I'm praying that we'll get a good one.

Alexa's p.o.v.

Brooke is over, helping me get ready for my date tonight.

"Brooke, I have absolutely nothing to wear!" I call to her

"That's not even true, you have like a bazillion outfits," she tells me. 

She comes into my room and rummages through my closet and drawers, and eventually pulls out a white tank-top body suit and blue patterned flowey pants to wear over. 

"This is cute, wear this." she hands me the outfit

I give her a small smile as a thanks, and slip on the outfit. I finish my makeup and hair, and throw on a pair of wedges. Of course, I'm ready almost 30 minutes early, so Brooke and I hang out while I wait for Harry.

"Do you know what you're doing tonight?" she asks me.

"I have no clue. Harry wouldn't tell me, he said it had to be a surprise."

"Are you planning on anything else tonight?" she says with a wink.

"I doubt it. I told him I don't want to rush into anything, although I wouldn't mind doing something" I say with a laugh.

Sooner or later, I hear a soft knock on my door. I check myself in the mirror quickly, then open it to see an adorable Harry. He's wearing black jeans and a button up.

"You look beautiful," he says to me, "ready to go?"

"Yea" I say with a huge smile on my face.

Harry leads me to his car and opens the door for me, before climbing in on the driver's side. He starts the car, and "Rich Kids" by Judah and the Lion comes on. He starts to softly sing along, and it's so cute.

"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask after a while.

"Nope" is all he says.

After about 10 minutes, he pulls up to a familiar place. We're at the lake. 

"You might want to take off your shoes. I don't want them to get muddy." He tells me, before grabbing a blanket and a small basket from the back seat. 

He grabs my hand and we walk through the grass until we get closer to the water. He lays out the blanket on the ground and sits down. He starts to go through the basket as I sit down. He pulls out some watermelon and pasta salad. He also brought a piece of cheesecake for later. He hands me a container of pasta salad.

"Harry, this is incredible. I can't believe you made all of this," I tell him.

"I just wanted to treat you right," he says, then adds, "and I wanted a nice first date. Look, I made this pasta salad all by myself!" he says excitedly, then feeds me some off of his fork.

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