Chapter Five

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Louis' POV


I waited at home for Harry to come back with Roxy, I lay in mine and Harry's bed watching the TV, I felt awfully sick. I took the covers off me walking to the bathroom putting some cold water on my forehead, I had a fever. I heard the door open, Harry was back, I could hear Roxy's squeals but Harry had to put her to bed as it was 7PM. I Stay in the bathroom while Harry was sorting out Roxy getting her changed and everything, but before I knew it I was throwing up in the toilet, literally I couldn't stop throwing up I heard Harry run in the bathroom feeling his soft touch on my back. "Come on Louis, puke it all up" Harry whispered rubbing my back. I fell back into his arms when I was finished as he wiped my mouth with tissue. I was tired now, Harry picked me up wrapping me in the covers of the bed. He took my shirt, trousers and socks off making sure I wasn't hot. He did the same and got into bed with me, he pulled me softly over to him. He stroked my hair in a light form causing me to fall asleep...for now.

I woke up again, 3AM. I shot up out of bed to the bathroom and started to throw up again, there was more this time. Again I felt Harry's comfort around me. "Keep going love," he whispered in my ear rubbing my back. "Get all of it out baby"

I finished repeating the same thing, I fell back into my lovers arm. He stroked my hair whispering soothing things in my ears. "You just ate something funny love" he tried to convince. I groaned in pain again. Harry flushed the toilet, and put me back to bed. He pulled me close kissing my cheek. "Go to sleep, get some rest love"

When we woke up, I repeated the process, after breakfast I threw up two times, I kept groaning about the pain in my stomach. Roxy kept asking what was wrong with me, it was the same thing "He's got food poisoning"

It just wouldn't go away, every hour I kept throwing up more when it got to the stage Harry wanted to take me to the hospital, we didn't want Roxy to come with us so Harry took her to play group for a little while. Harry helped me get out of the car, he took me by his shoulders, fucking hell. Paps surrounding us taking pictures again. Harry took me by the hand entering the Hospital. "Name?"

"Louis Tomlinson" I croaked.

"Okay, what's your emergency?" she asked.

"He keeps throwing up non stop, every hour. At first we thought it was food poisoning but he just keeps throwing up and throwing up" Harry explained. She wrote something down.

"Okay if you go to that room over there" she directed us to a room over from the far corner, I nodded Harry helping me get over there.

We walked in to be greeted by a female nurse with blonde hair. "Hello, I'm nurse Jones. What is your problem?" she asked.

"He just keeps throwing up every hour, literally. I'm getting really scared about him" Harry said. She nodded getting one of those heart beaty things.

"Okay Louis, if you take your shirt off" she asked. I nodded slipping it off, Harry held it as the Nurse's cold hands went on my stomach. She felt around a little then wrote something down. She then put that thingy against my heart and chest listening to my heart thumping, she wrote another thing down.

I put my shirt back on as the Nurse wrote a prescription out handing it too me. "You need to go for an X-Ray" she told us, I looked at Harry confused then took my attention back to the Nurse.

"Uh..why an X-Ray? Arn't I just sick or something?" I asked the Nurse. She shook her head.

"Far from it love," 

"What is happening to me then? Can I die?!" I asked. She laughed.

"Impossible. I can't tell you anything until I'm 100% sure what's going on" she smiled. "X-Ray's down the hall" I nodded leaving the room saying a quick 'thankyou'.

We walked into the room handing the prescription to the doctor. He nodded. "Take a seat on the bed Louis" he said. I nodded laying down. "We need you to take your shirt off" I nodded tossing it to Harry. He caught it in his hands. "Lie down and  stay still" he smiled, I nodded my head following his orders. A couple minutes later I heard a couple nurses gasp. I looked over at their shocked faces when the doctor walked up to me. He looked down. "Louis, if you go to room 134. You will be given a Hospital bed with some news"

I walked down the room slowly holding Harry's hand, I sat on the bed I was given lying down. The same doctor came in. "Louis, we have some results" I sat up holding Harry close. "This may sound shocking, but you're pregnant"

I looked at Harry with wide eyes, he did the same. "Excuse me? That's impossible! I'm a man." I protested. He looked at me.

"It seem's as it isn't for you, If you've had sexual intercourse with a boy without protection then it's possible as it seems you have a female body part to make it possible for you to have pregnancy"

"But we haven't used protection other times" I said looking up at Harry.

"Okay, but it obviously hasn't worked. It has this time though, there's nothing to be afraid of though. This has happened to 140 Men worldwide, they've all survived." he explained. I nodded.

"B-But I -" I began "How long have I been pregnant for?"

"2 Days"

I looked at Harry in shock. 

So, I was pregnant, I can agree yep, I totally have a normal fucking life.

Fifty Shades Of Lies | Larry Stylinson (Sequel to Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up)Where stories live. Discover now