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Hi buddies lol,  Here is chapter 3!


I can't believe the SHIT damen did. Like really. 2 years to him wasn't enough. I cant stand him any longer, i just wanted kick him in his nuts. I Slammed mr.Hoffman's door to show him my rage and went to put my belongings away. I Wanted to slam Damen's head against my locker so i pretended my locker door was his face and slammed it so hard that i think i jammed it shut. I let out a cry when i saw Damen's face beside me.

"Haven't you caused enough trouble boy" i yelled at his stoic but gorgeous face.

He just kept starring so i could get irritated and just laughed. I did the same back and he got close to me. To close to my liking, i could feel all his minty breath all over my face, i looked at his luscious lips and thought of how soft they looked. My god kenz why are you even thinking of that!! I snapped out of my trance and pushed him away. He pushed me back, i stuck my tounge at him and he also did the same,

"Bitch" i said,

" idiot" he retorted,

"retard" i spat,

"wanna be barbie" he spat back,

(gasp) "jerk"

"beautiful" he said.

"Mhm whatever".

"Fine you ugly" he stuck out his tounge at me.

I lunged at him hitting repeatedly at his chest. He just smiled at me like it didn't even hurt! What in the hell does this boy take, steroids?! I let out a shriek and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. While i fixed my make up i couldnt help but think of Damen. He stood gorgeously a 5'9 with heart throbbing icey blue eyes and lushious pink lips any girl would die to kiss. Lips i wanted to touch! His hair was the shade of brown. His black vest showed me that he had a perfect chiseled body. I just couldn't stop thinking of how he looked without a shirt and just touching him all over. I shook the thought, applied more lip gloss and left the bathroom. I saw damen in the corner playing with something and smirking. I didn't put much attention and walked to the parking lot to my car.

"Your missing these beautiful" damen said and dangled my keys in my face.

Oh no! I looked frantically in my bag looking for my pink keys but it was obvious he had them, i remember the football incident!! no no no no no! i probably dropped them when i fell, well almost fell, how could i not hear it...I ran to him gritting my teeth.

"Give it back now damen"

"You gotta reach it first barbie" he laughed

That made me even more angry than i was. I tried to reach for them but i was to damn short! Im 5'1 for Christ sake. Cant blame me for being a dwarf! I got ahold of the keys but he flailed his arm higher and it flew into the water drainery.

"No!" I yelled frantically walking in circles cursing.

He just stared at me blankly and shrugged. I grabbed him by the shirt and yelled "you owe me keys Damen, how in the hell am i gonna' go home you jerk".

He simply stated "ride with me princess".

"Don't call me that you ass!"

"Damn girl im sorry" he spat getting kinda angry.

"Take me home" i growled sourly at him.

"Aiight but i gotta' do something at home fast" he said.

"Whatever" i muttered. I sat in his fresh new red Benz and put my head against the window and whispered "douche". He better not try nothing with me at his house cause he will lose his damn utensils. Hmmmm!

Thanks for reading!



Damen sounds hot huh ;)  

Support me on my 1st book plz, MUAH layna :)

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