Bonus chapter

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10 years later
"Mummy!" My sons little voice screams as he jumps onto my bed. I blink my eyes open as he screams when his big sister enters the room with a fake sword. I sigh, smiling to myself and set up giving him a hug cuddle. "She's chasing me saying she's going to kill me!" He exclaims.

"I was not!" Elle retorts in defence. "Jack started it! He was hitting me with the sword so I took it from him. Mummm, please believe me," she pleads with tears building in her big blue eyes.

Elle got her fathers eyes, a deep ocean blue. Her hair is a dark black, little ringlets bounce when she runs, her nose is the exact same as her fathers. Elle is 7, I had her at 22 and my little boy Jack is 4. Jack however, got my eyes, the doe eyes brown eyes with incredibly long eyelashes. His hair is a chocolate brown, in between curly and straight, and he has my nose. He's mummy's little boy and Elle seems more obsessed with her father but I'm going to ignore that fact and say she loves me even more.

"You lie!" He gasps pointing at her as he begins crying. "Mummy she's lying!" He sobs ontop of my lap, pressing against my large pregnant belly.

"Where's your father?" I groan, not wanting another messy fight to break out. It's all that happens in the mornings. I read my book and drink a coffee while the kids play and eventually a fight breaks loose. Where's Zac to control all this you may ask. Well I have no clue either!

"He's with uncle Val," Elle responds.

I look at my sons tear streamed face and kiss his cheeks, attempting to make him smile and giggle. He eventually does and then crying disappears. I lift him up into my arms as I get out of bed with Elle following behind us as I go to look for my husband. I see him, his large arms folded across his chest with his legs propped up onto a chair across from him as he laughs. He sees me as I enter the room and he smiles, his absolutely beautiful smile. He stands and walks over to me, seeing Jack in my arms and chuckles already knowing the mummy's boy came to me crying. He's my little boy though.

"Morning beautiful," he hums as he reaches over and presses a kiss to my lips. He then looks at Jack and ruffles his chocolate hair to make Jack giggle which is successful. Zac looks at his princess Elle who is standing close to me and lifts her up into his arms planting kisses on her cheeks till she uncontrollably laughs.

"Daddy I didn't start it!" She immediately defends herself. We all know Jack is the little trouble maker, we can't blame Elle. He just laughs and shakes his head, using one arm to extend to one of my hands whilst the other arm holds Jack.

We walk over to where Val is sitting, his phone is pressed to his ear and he smiles while talking on the phone. I place Jack down and Zac places Elle down, Zac sits down and immediately pulls me to sit on his lap. He places kisses on my neck and I have to hold myself back so I don't moan. Val hangs up the phone and places it down smiling brightly at me.

"Val I didn't know you were here otherwise I would have come out earlier," I immediately defend myself.

He waves me off and chuckles, "is it okay if Will brings the kids over?" He asks us.

"That's more then okay," I respond smiling. My phone notifications go off and I look at my phone to see who could be messaging me, to which it's Aaliyah saying she's coming over with Matt and the kids. It's going to be a kids play date today.

Willow and Val have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. She is going to be very looked after, just as Willow is. Aaliyah and Matt have one 8 year old son with one on the way, they had originally deciding to travel before they settled down, the pregnancy did occur while they were travelling so they deciding to cease their travels for now. Joey and Carter adopted a little girl, naming her Amy and she's the most precious little girl ever. As for me? As I said, I have Elle and Jack with one on the way.

After things settled down a little bit and Zac and I started to grow a close knit relationship, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We still can't till this day, almost every night we make love and are showing our love in some sort of way. I don't see my parents anymore, I do see my siblings though.

Five kids come bursting through the door with their parents following behind them and I smile brightly at all my goddaughters and godsons. Our kids will grow up to be best friends for sure. Elle definitely likes Cooper, Aaliyahs son, however he's a young boy and doesn't pay much attention. My kids run to play with them as the parents come out to sit with us at the table.

"How did you sleep my love?" Zac asks lowly whilst everyone is settling down. He places a hand on my large belly and rubs soothing circles over it.

"Perfectly, and you?" I question.

"Perfectly," he winks and plants a kiss on my lips.

"There's my pregnancy buddy!" Aaliyah exclaims sitting down next to us. Aaliyah is due sooner then me, a few months ahead of me actually. "How's the pregnancy life going? Because mine is just fabulous. Vomiting every morning, no sleep, peeing every 10 seconds it's just amazing," she sarcastically exclaims.

"Actually, I love being pregnant. I don't get sick or anything, plus, Zac seems to love pregnant me and is all over me," I whisper into her ear.

She chuckles and Matt sits down next to her, grabbing her hand and kissing it. Joey and Carter follow behind and Willow comes over to sit on Val's lap.

"This is the life," Willow sighs looking out at our children. The others couldn't make it due to being on holidays or working or wanting to stay home.

I squeeze Zacs hand and sigh contently, "this is the life."

Here is my small bonus chapter after 6 years. I recently started viewing this book and making some changes and what not so I thought I would add a bonus chapter for y'all.

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