Chapter 26- The gang leaders truth

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I don't know if I have posted this photo already but oh well

"It appears the couple known as 'Claudiac' had posted a few pictures from their wedding and wedding shoot on all of their social media accounts

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"It appears the couple known as 'Claudiac' had posted a few pictures from their wedding and wedding shoot on all of their social media accounts. So to all the people who don't believe their relationship is real it's definitely real! Stay tuned for Justin Timberlake's interview."

He switches off the television with a massive grin, he holds his hand up for a high five and I slap my hand against his with a smile. He yawns and stands,"well I'm going to bed," I nod.

"Me too." We walk up the stairs together and he stops at his door and I stop at mine, "goodnight."

"Night," he mutters and I walk into my room shutting the door behind me. Quickly I brush my teeth, I already had a shower since it's night time and I'm glad it's the weekend tomorrow. Jumping into my bed I pull the covers up to my chest but I can't seem to fall asleep- thoughts are swarming around in my head like that guy who broke into the property even with the amount of security we have. He took a photo of me sleeping and that scares me, like he could break into my room with the balcony right there near my bed.

My heart rate accelerates, I'm so paranoid. But you would be freaked out too. For the past couple of nights I couldn't fall asleep which led to me falling asleep in class and I'm honestly exhausted. I groan and swing the covers off my body, I slowly walk my way to the door and open the door. Nervously I walk to his door and open it slightly, I peak my head through to see darkness and the silhouette of his body lying on the bed breathing evenly. The cool room relaxes my body and I bite my lip.

Swallowing I close the door and walk further into the room and walk my way I've to the bed. Quickly I slide under the covers, the warmness of the blankets protecting me from the cold. Zac stirs and I look at him, he groans. "Claudia?" He mutters, luckily I can't see his face and he can't see mine.

"Yeah," I whisper.

"What are you doing?" He asks confusion laced in his voice. What am I meant to say? Eh the truth.

"I can never fall asleep at night ever since someone took a picture of me and I want a decent sleep tonight. So I came in here," he doesn't reply for a moment but I freeze in surprise when his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me to his chest.

"You can stay in here as long as you want, I don't want you to be afraid in your own bedroom." He mutters, I place my head head on his other arm that's on the pillow and he stills in surprise. Just for tonight. I tell myself but even my subconscious isn't so sure. He relaxes and I feel my eyes closing as I fall into deep slumber.
It's so warm but cold. I feel so nice, safe and protected. Knowing that it's probably because Isaac's arms are around me I open my eyes, I was correct. He looks so peaceful, his dark hair falls over his skin and his long eyelashes almost touch his cheeks. His pink slightly chapped lips are parted and he looks so adorable honestly.

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