Chapter one

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Tony looked around the room as he walked in with Cap and Bucky. Steve looked around the room at the six containers along the walls. Each container held a body. Each, save one. One container was empty. Bucky walked towards a container and looked in. The body was that of a woman with blonde hair past her shoulders. A bullet through her forehead. As he examined the other four bodies he noticed the same thing in each container. All five bodies had bullets through their foreheads. Yet all six containers had bullet holes.

   "Buck, what's wrong?" Steve's words snapped Bucky out of his thoughts. Bucky looked at Steve and nodded towards the containers. Steve nudged Tony's arm and turned Tony around to see the containers.

   "What? What the hell...? That's impossible..." Tony growled the first 'what' and looked to the containers. His brow furrowed as he tried to figure out how in all the nine realms the sight before him was possible. If there were six containers, all with bullet holes, how could there only be five bodies? Unless...

   Tony walked towards the last container on the left side. The hole was much larger than a mere bullet hole. It was way to large. How on earth Bucky missed this I will never find out. He looked into the container and motioned for Bucky and Steve to come over. As they reached the final container, they both looked into it.

   "Someone definitely was here. Buck, do you remember another agent...?" Steve wondered aloud. Bucky looked from the container to Steve, then back to the container. He furrowed his brows and tried desperately and in vain to remember. He shook his head and frowned. Steve sighed lightly and squeezed Bucky's shoulder.

   Tony looked to a window across from the containers that was roughly five square feet. He saw a man, Zemo, smirking in the dimly lit room, watching the three of them. He shot a repulser ray at the window, but made no mark. Suddenly he heard a small yelp. The P.A. system came on and he could hear Zemo chuckling.

   "You know, I am grateful to those five. Giving their lives... just to draw you out here. You were right, mister Stark, to look to the left container.  That was wise. You see there was, indeed, a person in it. A young person. A teenage girl in fact. She's right here..." he paused his monologue to hold up a rather small looking girl. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and was bleeding from multiple cuts and gashes. She coughed slightly to show the three men below her that she was, definitely, still living. "She got a little scraped up in the process of removing her. Did you honestly think I wanted more of you, mister Barnes? That's why those five died. However, this girl here... she's different. Different set of keywords, different functions... many different kill ways. She is capable of everything you are, and much more. Oh so much more... I'm afraid I must take her with me however... this window was made to withstand nuclear bombs, mister Stark. Good luck getting in and stopping me from taking her. Mister Barnes, say goodbye. It is the last you'll ever see of this girl."

   And with that, he yanked the girl to his side. She let out a shaky breath, praying to a lord that she wouldn't have to hear those words again. Those dreadful words. The ones that brought out the worst in her. I feel so worthless... like no one needs me. But this man this, Zemo... he says he needs me. As a soldier, no matter how young, it's my job to always be ready to comply. Even if it means going back to my old ways... she stood up straight and allowed Zemo to lead her away.

   But he stopped walking. He began to chuckle.

   "Oh darling. You think I need you? You are worthless to me. I need to dispose of you as well."

   With that he heaved her over his head and launched her into the room the three men were in. She silently fell to the ground. She looked around at her surroundings as she fell. With a loud thud she landed on the ground. She heard yelling around her and looked up. She saw Captain America fighting with Ironman. A man with long brown hair, perhaps it was tangled, looked at her. A hint of recognition shone through her eyes. She knew him, but from where she did not know.

   Cap looked to Bucky for help and saw him on the ground, a beam of metal on top of his legs. Before Bucky, Steve could see the girl. She had broken a leg and wrist in the fall. No doubt about it she was in pain. Cap stopped fighting Tony and shouted out instead.

   "Bucky who is that?!" Tony stopped attacking Cap and looked to the girl before Bucky. She was losing consciousness quickly and was bleeding. Heavily. He stopped dead in his tracks and told Cap to help Bucky up. As Steve went to get Bucky, Tony went to go help the girl. He shook her slightly, wary of her obvious concussion. He needed to make sure she stayed awake. He knew that if she gave in, lost control of herself, faded to the blackness, she may end up dead. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if that happened.

   "Hey, kiddo. Stay with me, come on. Stay awake. Don't you dare let me down. Come on... ya gotta help me. Stay awake..." she nodded weakly and grunted with pain. Once Cap got Bucky out from under the beam, he was able to grab onto Bucky's metal arm. Steve grabbed onto Bucky's other arm and nodded at Tony.

   Soon enough they were flying through the air. Tony carrying the girl, Bucky holding onto Tony and Steve holding onto Bucky. They made a small chain. Like monkeys in a barrel. They made it back to the tower and Tony dropped Cap and Bucky off. Glaring at them through the mask as a silent warning. They nodded their heads and sat on the couch. Tony nodded to himself, satisfied with part of his work. But only part. He knew that if this girl in his arms died, he would only blame himself for her death. Steve knew that Tony would take it out on himself and spend night after night in the lab, thinking of ways he could have saved her. If he'd just paid a little more attention...

   Tony burst into the med bay near the lab carrying the girl. Natasha was there as well. She looked up at Tony and her eyes widened at the sight of the girl. She called Clint and Bruce down to the room. Bruce looked at the girl's body. She was half unconscious, maybe even dead... he began to hook her up to a machine and keep track of her pulse and breathing. Tony connected her to a machine to track her brainwaves. Natasha focused on making sure she stayed awake, Clint helping her out. The two of them tried to talk to her, to get any form of conversation to come out of her. All they got was a nod or shake of the girl's head. Natasha was patient however, and continued to try.

   Later that night, Tony went into the lab to work on something for the girl. Not unlike Bucky, she too had a metal arm. Unlike Bucky, it was her right arm. However it needed to be fixed. Her big fall inside the Hydra base broke the arm in several places. He called Bucky into the lab and began to create a new arm using Bucky's as reference.

   Meanwhile in the med bay, the girl was just barley keeping consciousness. Natasha was having trouble getting much of a reaction from her. Clint tried to help Natasha, to no avail. Her heart rate was steady as well as her breathing. But her brain wave activity was almost off the charts. Clint furrowed his brows at the sight. What is going on in her mind that could possibly be doing this to her brainwaves? Natasha noticed and called Tony down. Tony walked in while dragging Bucky behind him. The girl pointed at Bucky and smiled before loosing consciousness.

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