Authors Note

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Hi all. So recently I've been going through a lot of shit. It's been a really rough time for me. And some of the comments on this story have discouraged me greatly. I'm so grateful for all the lovely comments and votes encouraging me, but as many of you know, negative comments stand out more, especially when you have depression and low self esteem about your writing. I'm specifically talking about the reactions to the "how hard could it be" and the scenes with Loki. I won't lie, I started this book so it would be what I wanted in a fanfiction. I'm a very short person, standing at 5'1", and I have short hair. I write with this in mind. I also used the basis for the outfits on the trip with Loki based on what a female secret agent would think. I'm 16 and I am confident in my body and sexual interactions. For a female secret agent, no matter how old, you'd need to think of what your target is looking for. If you're uncomfortable with what's going on, don't continue reading. Don't leave a comment saying how the description doesn't match you exactly. It's a fanfic. It won't match you exactly. This was started based on what I wanted in a story. If the scene with Loki makes you uncomfortable don't comment saying that I need to stop what I'm doing. Loki is 17 in earth years. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with it. I don't understand why it's so triggering to people. As for the "how hard can it be", it was meant to be ironic. I won't lie, I don't like seeing comments like, "oh boy you're in for it now" or shit like that. I know what I'm doing when I write this. But because of such negative whiplash from a story that I write in my spare time because I am passionate about this cinematic universe and I love each and every character, I'm heavily considering deleting this story. I understand that many of you thoroughly enjoy it, and many are kind and do not comment about how it isn't what you want. This won't be exactly what you want. This is what I want. If you don't like it, please leave. I truly am sorry but I needed to say something. Please understand.

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