Chapter three

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Clint looked at the clock and saw that it was 6 in the afternoon. He looked at the girl and smirked. Bucky noticed his smirk and quirked a brow. He had no idea what Clint was planning. Clint tapped on the girl's shoulder and whispered something in her ear.

"Wanna meet the other Avengers?" She nodded in excitement. "Good! Well we can start with Cap. Sound good?" Another nod from her.

Clint helped her off the seat, her being short enough her feet didn't quite reach the floor, and held his hand out. She gently took his hand in her left, human arm. He smiled at her, assuring her it was okay and brought her to Cap, who happened to be with Tony in the lab.

"Cap this is the girl we rescued. Uhh... darling I didn't catch your name."

"I-it's (y/n)." Clint smiled widely.

"Cap, Tony, this is (y/n). Quite a beautiful name, I might add. This is Tony, the Ironman who carried you, and Steve, or Captain America, the man who helped find you." Tony smiled at her as did Steve. He held up her new arm, which was well on its way, considering he'd only been working for 5 hours, and taking into consideration how intricate it was, the girl was impressed with it. She smiled at him and the arm, and shook hands with Cap.

"You like this? It's going to be yours! I took out all the Hydra parts and made them safer for you and people around you. We can talk to Bruce about Hydra's memory wipe skill. They won't be able to hurt you again. Don't you worry kiddo."

She smiled and nodded her head. After quietly thanking Tony, Clint led her to where Thor was. Little did he know, Loki was with him.

"(Y/n) this is Thor. He's the God of thunder from Asgard. And prince there. The black haired man is Loki. He's from Asgard too. God of mischief and lies. But he's really a thing called a frost giant from Jotoheim. Odin, the Allfather, adopted him." Clint introduced the two brothers. "Thor is really cool, but he has like no chill, and Loki is meh. He's the one who attacked New York." She nodded her head.

"Hello young mortal! As brother Barton said, I am Thor, God of thunder. My brother is indeed Loki, God of mischief." She smiled at Thor and his enthusiasm. Loki was staring at her a bit. Her hair was very messy... it was distracting him... he waved a hand and her hair became untangled and styled into a high ponytail with a braid on the right side of her head. She gasped in surprise and Loki held a mirror in front of her so she could view his work.

"T-thank you...!" She shyly said. She had no idea how to react. A God from another world, someone who was just as messed up as me, had just magically fixed my wild, often untameable hair. And it looked good no less.

"It is no special feat mortal. I have no understanding as to why the surprise. Oh... wait... never mind. I see. You're surprised that I, a God of another realm, magically fixed your wild hair. It's really no big thing. Simple to someone of my magical level. Oh but then again, you are a mortal human. You have no magic..." she gaped a little. After all, a God had just read her mind. And been surprisingly polite.

"Woah... hey man, thanks. I was gonna get Nat to fix it but this is great. I'm glad you two have taken a liking to her. But for now, we've gotta meet the others. Ready (y/n)?" She nodded and followed Clint to meet some other Avenger. She had no idea who now.

Clint led her to a small room, filled with training equipment. In the room stood four people. Two Americans. Two Sokovians.

"Alright everyone! Break time! This lovely young lady is (y/n). She's gonna be here for a bit. So let's be nice, okay? (Y/n) this is, from left to right, Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and her twin brother, Pietro Maximoff. In hero terms, we have, War Machine, Falcon, Scarlett Witch, and Quicksilver."

She smiled and nodded at the group. Pietro smiled broadly and rushed over to her.

"Hello принцесса. You look very very lovely today. Your hair is adorable!" He was very kind and careful with his words. He was afraid the wrong words would make her upset with him. She smiled at his kindness. He looked back at his sister and grinned.

"It's very nice to meet you (y/n). I'm glad you're here." Rhodes spoke for all five of the people in the room, Clint included.

Clint thought to himself about what other Avengers she had to meet. She's already met Tony, Bruce, Nat, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Loki, and now Wanda, Pietro, Rhodes, and Sam. So who else was there...? She could do well also meeting Peter and possibly Wade... but they would meet her later on.

"Well kiddo, it's about 6:30 so what should we do? We've had a pomegranate. What now?" Before she could respond, Pietro joined the conversation and suggested his own wants.

"We could go for some fast food? The cheeseburgers are amazing. Especially at a place called 'Wendy's'?"

He had posed the statements as more of questions than suggestions. Clint shrugged.

"If she wants to go then we'll all go. But if she doesn't want to you can go get some."

The girl smiled at Pietro's suggestion.

"Can we? I haven't had a burger from there in so long." Pietro grinned.

"Of course we can. And Pietro why don't you grab some of the McDonalds french fries?" Pietro nodded.

"Wanna go there or stay here?" He asked the teenager.

"We should stay here..."

"Alrighty. What do you want to eat? I'll grab it."

"Just a cheeseburger. Only ketchup please. I'm not fond of the other toppings..." Pietro nodded and took everyone else's orders before racing out of the tower. He zoomed back in mere moments, carrying everyone's food and the McDonalds fries. He placed everyone's food near them and they all gradually migrated to the lounge to eat together.

It's just like a family... but am I needed in the family? Or would it be better off without someone like me. Someone with problems that I have...? She thought to herself. Little did she know, Wanda and Loki heard her. Loud and clear. They both began a mental conversation about what to do.

"Loki we can't just tell them about it."

"Why not?"

"She is a smart girl. She will know it was us who told. And then Steve would make a scene. Let's just wait."

"Very well. But she needs to know we care and understand her pains..."

"I know..."

After the small banter, Loki realised that Bucky was talking to her. She was smiling at whatever he was saying. It seemed, to Loki and Wanda, that no matter what, Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, was going to make this girl's life better. The two mind readers smiled at the thought of Bucky, a cold secluded assassin, caring for a smaller, shy assassin. They wished to see what the future had in store for the Avengers now that this girl was with them.

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