Chapter twelve

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*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Peter and Shuri ran across the compound, sliding across the smooth floor of the living room, their arms flying behind them, leaning forward slightly and laughing the whole time. The scent of chocolate and frosting flooded their senses as they slid toward the wonderful scent. The pair slid and skidded to a halt before they could hit the island counter in the centre of the kitchen. Peering like ninjas above the island, they could see (y/n) standing with her back to them, hunched over the countertop.

Shuri smirked at Peter and wiggled her eyebrows before jumping from behind the island and shouting, "What the fUCK IS UP KYLE!", causing the other girl to jump and let out a small squeak. There was a thud and a loud laugh, from what (y/n) could only assume came from Peter. Sure enough, when she looked, Peter was indeed rolling on the floor laughing. Shuri joined him not too shortly after. (Y/n) glared at the two teens before cracking her face into a smile as well, growing its way to a happy laughter.

"So what are you doing? It smells awesome!", Peter managed to chuckle out between his seemingly unending laughter. (Y/n) shot one final playful glare at the boy before answering his question.

"Why thank you. I am baking a chocolate cake and I was thinking of decorating it Lord Of The Rings themed. It's just a buttercream frosting but I had to double the recipes."

Peter's eyes blew wide open and he jumped from his position on the ground, nearly head butting the two girls standing above him. Shuri chuckled at his reaction, knowing what an obvious dork he was.

Nevertheless, the trio of teens worked together to decorate the giant cake, the bottom edge being the writing carved on the One Ring, the sides decorated like fire, working its way up to the top, the eye of Sauron. There was no guarantee that the Avengers would all understand the reference that was the cake, but all that mattered to the trio was that they all had fun baking and decorating together.

Thor and Loki wandered their way into the kitchen, being followed by Sam and Tony, all being seemingly strung along by the scent of chocolate and sugar. Thor grinned at the sight of the three teens playing with their leftover frosting.

JARVIS sent the video of the three to the rest of the Avengers, bringing them to the kitchen. After some time of hanging out and goofing off together, Peter went back to see Aunt May, and Shuri left to help Tony in the lab. Soon enough, the rest of the group slowly departed as well, off to do their own things.

"Lady (y/n), do you consider us all to be friends?", Thor asked the small female. She tensed at the sudden question, unaware that the man who had lost so much was still in the room.

"Thor... I don't think of you as my friends. You're... you're all slowly becoming the family I never had. I don't know you all very well, and you guys don't know me, but I, I'd like to think we can be a family. Maybe it's wishful thinking... but maybe not, you know?"

"I do understand, lady (y/n). I understand that we don't all know each other very well. But I do consider us to be family. You are such a kind young woman. You have been through so much. You've been strong for so long, little one. I wish to help you so you no longer have to struggle alone as you have done for so long."

    Thor's words and soothing voice began to break down the walls (y/n) had built for so many years. Her heart began to tighten along with her throat and she could feel tears welling up behind her eyelids. Try as she might to remain strong, she could not keep herself collected as she once was, and fell into the loving Asgardians arms. Thor's strong yet soft hands began running down the teenage girls back, enveloping her in his firm yet gentle gripping hug.

    Thor stood silently, comforting the small girl in his arms as she cried softly into his chest, listening to the occasional hiccup for air to combat the salty tears. After a little while, (y/n) wiped her tears and smiled up at the blond man, love and appreciation filling her soft (e/c) eyes. Thor smiles softly back at the child, promising to himself that he would protect her and make sure she would never feel the pain of her past while she was in his care.

    Hey guys I know it was shorter but I desperately wanted some Thor fluff so for the Thor fans here ya gooo! Remember I love reading your comments and requests and I will do my best to make it happen! Thank you all so much I love you guys!!

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