Chapter five

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She thrashed about in bed and began shouting in resistance. Her nightmare was bad that night. Images of all the people she'd killed flashed through her head and she began to panic. One of the people alarmed her widely. It was a young girl, around four, wandering and looking for her mother. She looked up at (y/n) in wonder.

"Do you know what happened to my mommy? Where's mommy?" The little girl asked shyly. (Y/n) looked down at the young girl sadly. She shook her head.

"I'm so, so sorry... your mother was a brilliant woman. One day you will understand what happened here, you'll hate me, perhaps want revenge even. And that's normal... I'm so sorry..." the little girl tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean? You seem like a nice lady! You have a cool arm too!" (Y/n) smiled sadly at the young girl. She took the child's hand in her metal one and kissed the top of the child's head.

"Thank you... you should get back to sleep though. Your mother is... resting right now. You shouldn't bother her."

The little girl smiled up at her and nodded before creeping back to her room. (Y/n) watched as the girl's gentle blonde locks curled naturally and bounced softly as she walked. She felt terrible. She had taken a mothers life. A mother with a kind, passionate young daughter.

This had happened when (y/n) was near six, by now the young girl was twelve. The same age as her when she went on official missions.

(Y/n) struggled in the grasp of the dream and tried to escape its clutches. But it had gripped her too strongly for her to escape. She let out another shout in what was mixed feelings of fear, anger, shame, and sadness. She didn't want to remember them, but she remembered every life she had destroyed. Sure, she had no choice, but it didn't ease her conscience.

Suddenly she was quite literally shaken from her nightmare after her subconscious felt a dip in the foot of the bed. A voice was talking to her, trying to free her mind and body from her dream. She could faintly make out Clint's voice.

"(Y/n)! Please wake up! It's just a dream!" He was gently shaking her to help wake her up.

Suddenly Tony burst into the room and looked from Clint to the girl, still trapped in her own mind. He looked her over and motioned for Clint to move out of the way. He never told the Avengers, never got the chance, but Tony felt awful for the girl.
He quickly pulled out a fancy radio and put it on a calming song. Somehow he managed to get a Japanese station. It was obviously helping her, her thrashing had reduced considerably. He grinned and began instructing Jarvis what to do.

"Jarvis, put on a cup of tea. The one I drink when I have nightmares this bad. But leave out the alcohol."

"Of course sir." Jarvis began making the tea for the teenager. Tony smirked at the familiar voice of Jarvis. Even though Vision was here, he found a way to keep Jarvis inside the tower. He had to work hard, a few all nighters with Bruce, but obviously it was worth the work. He couldn't let his creation and friend be removed from his side at all times.

A few minutes later, the tea was ready and it was brought to the girls room. Tony took the tea and moved the mug underneath her nose in a soothing manner. She woke with a start and gasped.

"Well good morning beautiful. You know, Clint sent you to bed only three hours ago." Tony smirked at her. She looked at him in confusion and Pietro burst into the room suddenly.

She took one look at Pietro and relaxed, remembering where she was and what had happened the night before. Pietro took notice of the fact she had remembered him quicker than Tony and smirked.

"Are you okay принцесса?" He gently asked her. She tensed as she recalled what had put her in that state. As her nightmare returned to haunt her memories, Pietro sped the other two men out of the room, not wanting them to see her at such a weak time.

"принцесса what is wrong? Was it the dream you had?" She nodded. "I see. It was bad then. A memory perhaps?" Another nod. "Ah. Perhaps I can assist you." She tilted her head in confusion. She had no idea what he had meant or planned.

The next thing she knew, she was on the roof balcony with Pietro. The both of them were in whatever was comfortable for their sleep. She was in her too large black t shirt, probably Steve's, and just too big grey sweatpants, probably Clint's. Pietro on the other hand was wearing just a pair of flannel pants. The wind blew gently through their hair, causing Pietro's silver blond hair to whirl around itself, curling every which way. Her (h/c) hair was flowing softly and tickling her cheek.

Pietro smirked at her and then looked at the city below them. She looked out at New York City. It was beautiful at three in the morning. She heard herself gasp quietly and Pietro's chuckles. She was calm and at peace. Pietro let out a audible content sigh, just barely heard by the teenager.

"It is beautiful, no?" He smiled at the city beneath them. Being on the tallest building in New York sure had its advantages.

"Yeah. It really is..." she breathed out. She let herself get distracted by the beauty of the city lights and almost failed to notice Pietro trying to show her an even more beautiful view. The night sky was wide open above them, and every star was visible.

She glanced up before looking back at the city. After her tired brain processed the view she had briefly seen, she shot her eyes back up to the sky. She slowly spun around, looking at the dark sky and taking in every star, every planet, every detail in the surface of the full moon. It was a vast, pitch black sky, littered with bright stars and planets. The moon was what really took her breath away. It looked as if it was going to crash into the surface of the planet. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. She found that she couldn't bring her eyes away from the night sky.

Pietro noticed her fascination with the night sky and grinned. He had succeeded in cheering her up and taking her mind off the nightmare she had been trapped in, not even ten minutes before.

"You did not see that coming?" He cheekily said. She grinned and gently smacked his bare chest. She knew he meant it in a playful manner, as did she.

When she removed her left hand from his torso he chuckled to himself.

"It is all very beautiful. I am glad I found how beautiful the view from here is. I come here often you know." She smiled. It was easily understandable, why he always came up there.

She sighed to herself and felt as if a weight had fallen from her shoulders the instant the pair had sped through the door to the balcony. She felt calm, at peace.

Little did the two know, Tony and Clint were watching them from the door. They smiled at each other and walked back to their own rooms. Pietro looked at her and smiled before kissing the top of her head in a brotherly manner.

"My принцесса I will keep you safe, no matter what happens. This I swear on my life."

She smiled up at the taller man. She knew that he had meant every word he had just said. She felt safer, knowing that he would always be there for her.

"Thank you Pietro." She managed to say just before letting out a long yawn. Pietro smirked and sped her back to her room. He walked to the door and closed the door before walking back to his own room.

(Oml guys I'm so sorry for not updating I had writers block and then inspiration smacked my brain around like a speeding train)

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