Chapter seven

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   She looked around nervously. The group of people around her, while good people, were also scary. To a normal teenager, the whole ordeal would be scary. Being found in a Hydra base and being adopted by the Avengers. But (y/n) wasn't normal. She had been through so much. Just like Bucky. So she was used to her life being in constant danger. And no matter what, she was always assured of death. But that was back with the bad guys. Not the Avengers. She knew she could trust them. After all, they would be her family. So why was she having such a hard time with this?

   The answer was simple. She had never felt a family before. It was always her against the world. Hydra wiping her brain, telling her who to kill, and eventually watching her mother die. So it was easy for Steve to imagine her pain. He knew she was emotionally damaged, and so the team spent the next few months trying to make it easier for her.

   Every week, at the same time and place, the team would ask for her to write one thing she likes to do. Then the group would spend the day trying to make a way to incorporate that thing into their daily lives. It had been going on for five weeks, meaning that they had incorporated five things into daily life. Sometimes it was just the food they ate or a show they watched. On the sixth week, Steve was walking to her room. He stopped outside her door and listened carefully. He could faintly hear music playing and someone shuffling quietly.

   He walked back into the main room and told JARVIS to pull up the security footage from her room. He told the AI to play the live action feed. As the rest of the team shuffled in, they saw the girl in the middle of her room, dancing around. Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas was playing at just the right volume that it could be heard from in the room, but only if you'd pressed your head against the door.

   "Guess we found out what this weeks thing is." Tony blatantly pointed out. Clint grinned at the sight of her dancing around and singing. Bucky looked at the live footage cautiously. When he saw what it was of, he did a double take and felt a small smile grace his lips. Steve grinned at the feed and chuckled.

   "Guess we did. How are we going to put it into daily life, is the question here though."

   Tony stared at Steve with a "bitch what" face and paused to think. As he thought of how, the teenage girl kept dancing in the comfort of her bedroom.

   And of course, just when everyone had relaxed and felt at peace, was when everything went to hell.

   A crash was heard in the floor just below them, Steve and Tony raced to the source. Clint looked panickedly at Natasha, who nodded and raced into the teenage girl's room. She didn't need to explain herself when she took her by the arm and pulled her out of the building.

   The two jumped into a car as Natasha turned it on and slammed on the gas pedal. She quickly made her way onto the express way, going way over the speed limit. Whatever was there at the tower, they couldn't afford it getting her.

   "W-where are we going?" The girl asked.

   "A city in Manhattan. It's called Hell's Kitchen. You're going there to stay with another hero. He isn't well known, but he's a good man."

   She nodded and watched the cars whip by as they entered Manhattan, on the way to Hell's Kitchen. She didn't know what to expect from it all. She knew she was going to a safe place, but she didn't know the first thing about the place.

    As if Natasha could read her mind, she gave a few answers to unspoken questions.

    "We're going to have to drop you off with a lawyer. He's a great person and I definitely think you two will get along great. He has a disability though. He's blind, so he won't be able to see you. I think it's best if he explains himself. His name is Matthew Murdock. His father was Jack Murdock. Dunno if you've heard about him. He was a boxer. Everyone called him Battlin Jack."

    She nodded and stared forward, continuing to watch the scenery whip by and the trees and other cars blur into one another, not knowing when one starts and one ends. She was grateful for Natasha explaining and understanding her confusion. She was nervous about meeting Matthew. Natasha spoke highly of him, but she couldn't tell if it was all true or if it was to calm down her nerves.

    They pulled into the city and Natasha found the building she was looking for. There was a sign up front that read "Nelson and Murdock Attorneys At Law". Natasha pulled up and parked next to the curb. She reached over to the girl and gave her a slight side hug.

     "I've got to go help the others. Matthew is probably upstairs and if not there should be a receptionist named Karen. She's blond so you should know when you see her. They're all very good people."

    She nodded and stepped out of the car and walked across the sidewalk, and into the building. She heard Natasha tear out of the street to return to help the other Avengers.

    It was easy for her to find the office room. There was a strong smell of assorted fruits coming from the room. She walked in and smiled ever so slightly at the sight. A woman with blond hair was sitting behind a desk and was working on a stack of papers. (Y/n) cleared her throat to get the woman's attention.

    "Oh! Hello! My name is Karen Paige and welcome to Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law. How can we help you?" The woman, Karen, extended her right hand in greeting.

    (Y/n) shook her hand, thankfully able to do so with her flesh one, and was about to state her name, just as a blonde man rushed out of what she could only assume was a conference room.

    "Hello. I'm the Nelson in Nelson and Murdock. You've met Karen. My name's Franklin but you can call me Foggy." He also extended his hand, his left however.

    (Y/n) smiled and shook his hand with her gloved metal one. She nodded her head as Foggy gestured for her to take a seat. As she sat down, he walked over to another room, opposite the conference room and walked in.

    "Matt we may have a client. But I don't think so. She looks pretty young." (Y/n) stopped herself from letting out a chuckle at his words.

    She looked up to the door to see a tall man with dark hair and red, round, thin rimmed glasses. He wore a very good looking, fitting suit and carried a foldable walking stick. He moved his body to face her but never moved his face at hers, probably due to his blindness. He extended his hand a little off of where she sat, and she reached out and shook it.

    "My name is Matthew Murdock. Are you (y/n)?"

    She nodded her head and cringed upon the realisation that he was, indeed, unable to see her do so. Thankfully, Foggy spoke up for her.

    "She just nodded, Matt. And if you know her already, I'll be over here, going through our case files."

    Matt nodded and took (y/n)'s hand. He smiled at her and made sure she was okay with any form of physical contact. She stood and hesitantly gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

    "Let's go for a walk. Maybe get to know each other?"

    "That'd be wonderful." She smiled and led Matt out of the building, and they began the walk to the park.

Another Like Me (Avengers x child! Hydra! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now