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Inertia Louis

Today is the day of the New York site visit. Just the day I was looking out for... Note the sarcasm. Usually I'm all happy about my new and expanding businesses but today is an exception because of the one and only... Zach/Xander. First of, I'm so done calling him two names and so I'm going to stick with Xander cause I like it better.

This guy somehow has managed to be on my mind for the longest time. I'm not a high school girl for fuck sake. I'm an adult and I know how to deal with my emotions by this guy really gets to me. He makes me want to be a murderer. Anyway, enough with that guy. So I grumpily get up from my bed and get ready. When my stomach growls with hunger, I address the dining table in the dining hall.

"Good morning!" Ren smiled.

"Stop being so chirpy." I rolled my eyes.

"I thought you'd be happy today Ms. Grumpy. You always are on days when you company is expanding."

"Today is an exception." I said.

"Oh my gosh I'm sooooooooooooo happy! Sky got a job and he's doing like really really well and we're officially girlfriend and boyfriend!" Ren said.

"I'm sorry I can't handle so much happiness." I groaned and went directly to my car.

I drove to my office and everyone was assembled at the reception. Only Blake and Zach weren't here yet. I approached the other two people Cassie and Aakash if I'm not wrong. I looked at them, more like heir clothes. Aakash was dressed in complete formals with well ironed clothes and a perfect tie and a blazer. His black shoes were polished so they shined. Cassie was perfect too. Her skirt ended right above her knee and she wore a crisp formal shirt with a blazer.

"You both are on time. Have you seen Mr. Blake or Mr. Zach around?" I asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Blake I mean sir just went to your office to collect the papers and about Zach I have no clue." Cassie said. I gave her a nod and waited for Blake. That's when I saw him come down the stairs.

"Everything is in place and here are the papers." Blake handed them to me.

"Great. But where is Zach?" I asked.

"He's running late, I told him it's fine." Blake said.

"This is the first and last time you did something like that Blake. Next time cut his pay." I said.

"Woah... We're partners. I don't take orders Inertia but I'll agree to this one. Just don't order me around." Blake said.

"Yeah, okay." I said.

It was kind of my fault. I have to get used to this whole arrangement. I can't be breathing down Blake's neck every time he's doing something. He's my partner and I have to trust him. That's when I see Xander entering the office premises and I'm shocked to see what he's wearing.... This guy is so losing his fucking job.

"What do you think you're wearing?" I ask anger radiating off me.

"Umm... Clothes? I didn't know the attire had changed to something other than clothes." He answered cheekily and both Cassie and Aakash gasped in horror.

"You are not coming on this trip with us." I declared.

"Inertia this is unnecessary." Blake said.

"Not this time Blake." I gave him a glare and he backed off.

"You're not taking me because I'm wearing shorts and t-shirt for a trip?" Zach asked in disbelief.

"Yes, on a business trip." I specified.

"You've got to be kidding me! Can we just skip this for once? Next time I'll take care?" He said.

"Mr. Miller you will not come for the trip like this and that's an order."

"Fine I'll just go change." He rolled his eyes and walked to the men's room. When he came back, I was still glaring at him. I walked to him and bent to his ear to whisper.

"Do something like this one more time and you'll regret it." I whispered and walked to the car.

"Come all of you, we have to get going." Blake said and everyone got moving, even Zach who still seemed a little dazzled.

The drive to the airport was uneventful. No problem. Just how I like it. But we'll the world has some grudge against me because my business class plane tickets were to gut next to Mr. Miller. Oh what joy! I settled in the seat near the window and then Zach came in.

"Look who we have on my seat! Lilly I suppose?"

"Shut up sit beside me. That seat is mine and you can have it." I said.

"No, I want my seat."

"Cut it will you? Stop acting like a child and sit." I groaned.

"What do I get in return if I let you sit there?" He smirked.

"Hey Cassie, do you mind changing seats?" I asked Cassie.

"No problem ma'am." She said and switched seats with me.

"That's what you get." I smirked as his grin dropped from his face.

Cassie was originally sitting next to Blake so now I was sitting next to Blake. Muchhh better than sitting next to Zach. I'm the boss right? Why can't I just fire him?! Right, joint venture. Remind me never to get into another one.

"Hey." Blake said.


"Want to play a game?" He asked.

"What are we 10?" I rolled my eyes.

"No need to be rude. By the way you act all the time, I'm sure you're the one who's 5." He said and plugged in his earphones.

Okay now I felt bad. Really really bad. I just yelled at him for no reason! Who does that? I can't let Zach get the best of my emotions. I need to bring myself under control and maybe whatever stupid game Blake is talking about will help. I should give it a try. So I tapped Blake on the shoulder and pulled out one of his earphones.

"What?" He frowned.

"I'm sorry. Shouldn't have been so rude. I'm just stressed in general." I said.


"Do you still wanna play that game?" I asked.

"Of course." Blake smirked.

"So what is it?" I asked.

"We choose one guy/girl that the other one will hit on. You have to convince the girl/guy to sleep with you." Blake announced.

Once an idiot, always an idiot.

Narrator's Note:
Hello readers, I was gone for a while now but this book shall resume to normal updates every 3 days or weekly. But I'm back on the book and will give you regular updates.

Thank you so much!

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