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Inertia Louis
"Sorry but we received a better deal for the factory. So unless you can step up your game, I'm afraid our deal will not happen."

Here I am sitting with the very same man who owns the factory I need for my project and he's saying a no. This is the bloody reason I came to New York in the first place! I quickly texted my PA to pull some strings and find out who offered what price to these guys and in the mean time Blake tried to handle the situation.

The results were shocking! The company I destroyed so that I could rise had taken an even bigger loan, gone into a even bigger debt just to stop me... This is exactly was Blake was worried about. Oh god no this can't be happening! So close to my goal yet so far away.

"Mr. Telnor, I'd appreciate with you let me and my partner discuss this. After all this is a big deal." I said.

"Sure, we'll be waiting to hear you counter offer." Mr. Telnor said and left the meeting room. Dammit.

"I can't believe this." I sighed.

"How can they sink even deeper just to stop us?" Blake asked in disbelief.

"I have no fucking idea!" I banged my fist on the table.

"We need to call an emergency meeting, of all the staff." Blake said and I nodded. Within half and hour, everyone was present in the meeting room.

"Cassie I hope you are aware you are now handling the finance department since the sales has been transferred to Mr. Miller." Blake started.

"Yes I'm well aware. In fact that's what I applied for in the first place." She grinned.

"I'm happy that everyone is happy but right now we have bigger issue to deal with." I glanced at Cassie.

"Yeah, so we're loosing the deal of the factory if you don't work out fast. Our competition is offering more money, what do we do?" Blake asked.

"Offer even more. Simple finance strategy." Cassie shrugged.

"No. That makes us look desperate." Aakash says.

"Honestly why are so many people here? It should only be the finance department." Cassie said.

"I decided who goes where." I said.

"Okay, I think Aakash is right. We can't do that. Plus the opposition will keep offering more. They don't care, they're already in debt." Blake said. Zach hadn't said a word all along but I knew that face he had. The thinking face.

"Anyone?" I asked. I racked my brains but I couldn't think of anything ethical or unethical as a solution to this problem.

"There is a way. A not so ethical one I must add." Zach said.

"No, we have to follow ethical guidelines." Blake said.

"Let's hear him out." I suggested.

"They are in debt of the bank and who ever is loaning them money is on their company's name. If their company goes under liquidation then they can not buy anything on the company's name." Zach smirked.

"So...?" Cassie asked.

"The hearing will take a lot of time." Aakash added.

"Unless, we speed up the hearing to tomorrow. That way they don't buy the land and we get it." I smiled but Zach looked at me with an emotionless face.

"Is it possible, can we actually do that?" Blake asked.

"We'll legally no. But the judge in this case is one of the biggest clients of my company because of his wife. I'm sure he'll make and exception." I smirked and everyone got straight to work.

"Cassie, call Mr. Telnor and tell him the deal remains the same." I said.

"Meeting dismissed." Blake declared.


"I can't believe it worked!" Blake exclaimed.

So basically we put our plan to action and it did work. In fact we're signed the deal within hours after the news broke about about the preponing of the law suit. So well we have the factory now. Blake is in my bedroom helping me patch because we're leaving now.

"Yeah... Me neither." I have him a sad smile. I haven't told him yet. I plan on doing it now.

"Blake I have something to tell you." I say.

"Go on." He says.

"We should sit down." I suggested.

"Oh boy should I be worried?" He asked.

"Blake this thing we're having. You and me. This relationship is highly unprofessional Blake. I mean you're my business partner. I don't think we should you know, date."

"But I thought you liked this. Us." Blake said.

"Don't get me wrong, I do. It's just that we're better off as friends. I don't want my personal life so involved in my work life."

"Okay, I get it. But Inertia if you keep investing your life completely in work, you may never have a personal life." He said. With one last genuine smile he walked out of my room.

I just told him that I can't go out with him and he took it so calmly. If it were me, I'd never be able to handle a rejection. This man Blake, I appreciate his presence, a lot. I just hope we can be friends after all of this. I do to want it to be awkward with him. That would affect the business.

We took the flight back to home and my driver picked me up from the airport. Zach had made no attempts to talk to me. To be honest it felt kinda weird. I had gotten used to his annoying presence. But it's a good thing he got the idea. I don't like him, never will because I'm not capable of liking anyone. I'm better off alone. I reached home and called out For Ren.

"Ren! I'm home! Where are you?!" I yelled.

"I missed you so much!" He came running down the stairs and hugged me.

"Sky." I nodded at him in acknowledgement and he nodded back.

"So, how was the trip? Tell me all about it." Ren said.

"No, first you tell me how was your stay alone? Did you manage all fine?" I asked.

"About that, Inertia I want to move in with Sky."

That moment in my life I realised how much problems love me....

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