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Inertia Louis

"Ma'am, they are waiting for you." Michael said and I nodded.

I had announced the press conference the very next day. Right now, behind that door, the media awaits my statement. Meanwhile, Tessa is out there filing the case. I know I'm nothing more than breaking news to them but I also know that this means everything to me. So, I have to do it. I pushed the door open and entered the room. A chair and table were set up for me on the stage and people from several news channels were seating in the same room. I took my place and let out a sigh before beginning. 

"I'm here to bring out the truth. First things first, I'm calling off the wedding with Mike Thompson as well as the merger." As soon as I said this, everyone began talking in hushed voices.

"Now, I want you all to know my truth. I always stood for work place ethics and discipline. However, I am guilty of mixing my personal and work life too. I was dating my ex-employee Zach Miller and the reason he left my company was that we wanted to pursue our relationship. As for this wedding, it was never true. I was blackmailed into this wedding and I have already filed a case against the people as of today. Thank you." I finished and got up from my seat to leave.

As soon as I did, the crowd went wild. They bombarded me with questions, yelling things out loud hoping that I'd answer at least something and give them more to talk on. As if I hadn't already given enough news to last a decade. Guards escorted me outside to my car and I drove to my head office to meet with Tessa and have the company pulled private. However, as soon as I entered the office I was greeted by Blake. 

"The news is wild about you! You gave out a statement about the blackmail?" Blake asked.

"Oh I did. Didn't you get the court notice?" I asked and his face paled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Cut the crap. I know it was you. You did this. You were informing on me." I spat.


"No you look. I trusted you, thought of you as a brother, my best friend, made you a business partner and this is what you do!? I never thought you would backstb me Blake, Why!? Why join hands with my mother when we were going just fine?!" I asked.

"You want to know?! Fine! You treated me like shit in the beginning. Cheated on me even! You think that didn't hurt me?! Your mother offered me the best chance. I could become a business partner in the world's largest business and all I had to do was inform on you! You like a fool trusted me! I was never your frined Inertia, I was always in for the money. I even hooked you up with Zach so you would get distraced from the business and let me gain the trust of all the shareholders and employees. Now that you have pulled such a shitty move, I'll overthrow you as the CEO and th company will be mine!" Blake said.

"I can't believe I thought of you as a friend. You're nothing but scum. And about the conmany, it will never be yours. Just wait and watch." I spat and walked to my cabin. There, I was greeted by Tessa.

"Everything is in order." Tessa said.

"Great because knowing my mother, she'd be here any second now." As if on a cue my mother barged into my cabin.

"You worthless piece of shit!" She yelled and slammed the court notice on my table.

"Welcome." I grinned.

"You ruined your life!" She yelled.

"More like ruined your life." Tessa smirked.

"Who is she?"

"My lawyer." I replied.

"You think the board will let you be CEO after the stunt you just pulled?! You're going to lose your company!"

"That's why I am here. As of today, LOVE public limited is going pvt. ltd. i.e. private." Tessa answered.

"You'll loose all your money in doing this! Don't be a fool! Take all this back and I an still handle the situation." 

"Inertia Louis doesn't get blackmailed by anyone and now I'll make sure the world knows that. Now, do me a favour and get out of my cabin." I said.

"You will regret this." My mother said while existing the cabin.

"I'll see you in court." I smirked.

"So, what next?" I asked Tessa.

"We need to discuss your financials as well as the businesses'. Call in your head accountant with all the details." Tessa said and I called Mr. Seth along with all the details. 

We went through the spreadsheets and Mr. Seth explained everything to Tessa and I. Looking at the current condition, it didn't take a genius mathematician to figure out that I was falling shot of money for the whole going private errand. Something had to be done.

"Mr. Seth, what happens if I stop all the future expansion investments for the following two years?" I asked.

"That would mean that we gain half the amount that is falling short. But this will slow the growth and profit of the businesses" Mr. Seth said.

"Right now I need to save my business, that is more important than growth."

I called Michael, "I want all our 2 year expansion plans stopped. All the money should be transferred in my account by tonight." I told him and he said it would be done. 

"Tessa, do you have any other ideas?" I asked.

"This might sound extreme but If we have no other choice, you have houses all over US, we can sell all of them. That brings in a lot of money." Tessa suggested.

"Mr. Seth, after selling all of them how much more money do we need?" I asked.

"About $50 Million more." Mr. Seth said.

"My house and my cars... together they should cover that." I said.

"Inertia..." Tessa said looking at me in despair. 

"I have to do this." I told her. 

That is how ladies and gentlemen I went bankrupt... Well not exactly but yeah.

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