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Inertia Louis
"You don't have to sleep outside because of me." I said.

"There is no way I'm sleeping in the same space as you." Zach said.

"Then I should be the one going out not you." I said.

"Fine. Do it your way."

That shocked me. I didn't actually expect him to let me go and sleep outside. I thought he'd sleep inside too. But now I don't have a choice do I? So I took my sleeping bag and placed it outside the tent. Grabbing my stuff I moved out. I lay down in my sleeping bag looking at the stars above me.

I feel that trying to get Zach back is making me miserable. I feel as if I'm losing myself in trying to get him. I don't even know how it's possible but I feel that I'm changing myself to be liked by him. Does this really have to happen this way? Do I have to change myself? Am I that bad a person? No, no don't let your thoughts get to you. I should call my therapist.

"Hello, Inertia? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. It's just that I don't think I can get Zach to like me without changing myself. And I don't know if changing myself is a good idea. I don't want to come off as fake."

"Ineria, he liked you even when you were you. He liked you even when you were mean to him. You don't have to change for anyone. If you do, I say just let Zach go. Chase after him but don't lose yourself, try to get him back but don't let yourself get insulted. If he doesn't accept that, let him go."

"Thank you so much."

"Have a good night." She said and I hung up.

What can I do like that? I go close to him and he insults me. I snap out of my thoughts when I see the tent zipper open. Zach was coming out so I quickly shut my eyes pretending to sleep but I kept them a little open so I could see what was happening.

Zach kept looking at me sleep with conflict written all over his face. Then I heard a low 'fuck it' out of his mouth and he came towards me. He picked me up with the sleeping bag and put me down inside the tent. He stayed too. Warmth filled me when I heard what he said.

"I want to hate you so much but why can't I? Why can I only crave you? Like you? Love you even? You confuse me so much Inertia. Have a Goodnight." He kissed my forehead then he went to sleep too. Soon sleep took over me and I was off.

When I saw him get into his sleeping bag, I smiled. He likes me... And then sleep finally took over. By he time I woke up that morning, Zach wasn't in the tent. I walked out with my stuff to the bathrooms and took a shower and got dressed for the day. It was just simple jeans and top because that is what is the most comfortable.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked Blake while eating breakfast.

"Wait and watch." He smirked.

"Now that breakfast is done, I announce another activity. Raft racing!" Blake declared.

"Wait.... I didn't see any rafts here." Aakash said.

"That's because each team has 1 hour to make their raft. After that the race shall begin. Instructions on building and material to build will be provided by the camp officials here." Blake said.

"Sounds fun." Reha smiled.

"Let's get started then." I spoke.

First the officials gave us instructions and told us about the material. Then we got our life jackets and oars etc. Etc. It was only when the time to build our raft began when I got to speak to Zach. Let's see if he has answers for yesterday then.

"How did I end up inside the tent today morning?" I asked while putting together the bamboos.

"You walked in with all your stuff and then fell asleep again." He said tying the bamboos with rope.

"Oh, why don't I recall this?" I pretended.

"You were half asleep." He shrugged. What a great liar.

We continued building the raft. Once the bamboos were in place we placed the tyres correctly and then tied the tyres to the bamboo raft. So we were provided with 4 huge float tyres so that our raft doesn't sink. All the teams finished building within an hour. It was pretty impressive actually.

"Okay guys, when that man blows the whistle we start the race." Zach said pointing at a random guy.

"Three, two, one go!" The man said and blew the whistle.

Both Zach and I pushed the raft into the water and started rowing at full speed. Okay rowing a raft is still water is way worse than rowing a boat. It take a lot of effort mind you. Within the first 15 mins I saw everyone losing breath.

I was suprised that all three rafts were moving in line with each other! This is quite a competition. That's when the u bend turn came in.

"Zach! A turn! Stop rowing from your side!" I called out.

"What? Are you stupid? We have to go faster. I can't stop rowing."

"How else are we supposed to turn the raft? Right turn which means left rows."

"Who told you that?" He asked.

"Can you trust me? Just this once." I made eye contact with him waiting for his reply.

"O--okay." He said and I rowed.

Our turn when in smoothly while one raft got dismantled and the other crashed into the stones. We then rowed at full speed and became the first raft to reach the finish line! We won! I couldn't believe it!

"We won!" I exclaimed.

"Oh we rule!" Zach said forgetting everything and hugged me tight.

For that moment I was lost in his scent. It felt so true, so good, so alive. But all good moment have to end so naturally this one had to too. Well what can I say the devil hates me.

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