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Inertia Louis
"Bowling? Our next challenge is bowling?" I beamed on the inside and pretended to be surprised on the outside

"Why scared?" He smirked.

"I don't know, I have never been bowling." I lie.

"Okay, to make it fair why not I show you by going first and then you can try once and yen we'll begin the actual game?" Zach offered.

"Yeah, that's great." I put on a smile.

On the inside though I was cooking my evil plan... Okay maybe not so evil plan. The next challenge Zach had for me was bowling. What Zach doesn't know that I grew up doing this. It's in my family. My grandmother was amazing at bowling so was my dad and now me. So well. But a little pretending never hurt anyone.

"Now looked at me. You hold the ball like this." He said placing his fingers correctly. "Then you bend at this angle and aim for the centre to get a strike." The ball left his hand and went all the way for a strike.

"That was perfect!" I exclaimed.

"Now you try." He said.

"How do you place the fingers again?" I asked on purpose.

He came forward and took my hand in his. Slowly one by one he helped me. Then when releasing the ball, he held my waist to but me in a proper posture and then my hand to let the ball down perfectly. Bowling was never so much fun before. But I couldn't really let my skills come to play just yet. So I released the ball in such a way that it directly went for the gutter.

"No problem. You'll be better next time." Zach said.

"So, let's begin?" He asked.

"Ummhumm." I replied. He took the first go and got two strikes. I went next and using my full potential I got strike too!

"That's just beginners' luck." Zach laughed it of.

"Yeah maybe." I shrugged and then scored a second strike.

"What the fuck?! How are you doing that."

"Maybe because I'm into bowling since I was 7?"

"You cheater."

"Game on Zach." I winked.

"Oh you're getting it." He smirked.


Well guess who won? I did!

"So Zach, are you ready for your dare?" I asked.

"Not like I have a choice." He said.

"You shall walk around with a teddy bear for the whole day tomorrow and you have to carry it in your hand." I said.

"What? No! No way in hell. We have office tomorrow." Zach protested.

"Chickening out are we?" I smirked.

"This isn't right." He groaned.

"If you don't do this it means that there will be no third challenge I have won the game."

"No, fine I'll do it." He sighed.

"That's what I thought." I smiled. Progress! Finally!

"So dinner?" I asked.

"Inertia, we only came out for the challenge. Don't think his means I feel anything or have forgiven you."

"Okay." I nodded.

"See you at work Ms. Louis." With hat last statement he left. Great, here I thought he had made progress.


Zach Miller
I woke up to the door bell in morning. Who could it be so early? I put on a t-shirt and opened the door to find a parcel lying at my doorstep. One thing about me, I have no relatives alive and none of my friends have told me anything about a parcel. I took it in.

The note on it said open with smile. So I opened it to find.... A teddy bear... Ineria. It was a medium sized pink teddy bear that said love in bold letters. Fuck. I have to carry this around all day? I sighed and took a shower and changed into my formals. Let's to this. I took the teddy bear and drove to my office.

It started from the watchman outside the office building. He looked at me carrying the teddy bear and started laughing. Control yourself Zach this is a test. You can do this. Don't let people get to you, don't lose your calm, you can do this. I thought she was changing, but this dare proves that she'd never capable of changing.

"Hey man what are you carrying that thing?" A colleague asked pointing to the teddy bear.

"I like it." I shrugged.

In the corner of my eyes I could see some people laughing. Almost the entire office was laughing at me some trying to hold back. I ignored everyone and went to my cabin. In no time someone came in to inform me.

"Ms. Louis has requested that you show in her cabin. She wants to talk to you." He said.

"Okay I'll be there."

"I don't think you want to take that sir." The man said pointing at the teddy bear.

"Mind you own business." I snapped and he left without another word. Fucking great. I went to her cabin and she smiled as soon as she saw the teddy bear.

"That's a great soft toy you have there." She smirked.

"Thank you Ma'am but there is a certain someone I should thank for this." I spat rudely. She looked taken back by my reply.

"Well that not why I called you here today. So look the production is going on well and I'm wondering how you're planning of establishing the product is the market is happening." She said.

"Well, for starters we have sent out samples for test marketing. Advertisements and all that is covered. Next we're talking to finance about sponsorship and that sort of stuff. I guess in 2 months by the product launch party, everyone in NYC will know about our product." I confirmed.

"Perfect. Go ahead." She nodded at me and I left.

When I left her cabin, on the way to mine I met Ross. Fucking great. So basically Ross is the marketing head for the spices projects. Both of us always have a tough competition and he hates me. No idea what I've done to him but he hates me.

"So it is true you're going around with a teddy bear." Ross laughed.

"I'm not getting into a fight with you."

"I didn't expect anything more wus." He said.

"Ross, go away. I'm not in the mood."

"Aww... The pink teddy bear is not enough you want a doll too? I can get you one." Ross laughed.

I was about to launch myself at him when a voice echoed, "This is why I employ you?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Louis." Ross said.

"This is no way to treat your fellow employees Ross. You can collect your dismissal letter from my table." He voice held such an intensity that it scared me too. Her boldness drives me crazy.

"No! I'm sorry really. This won't happen again." Ross said.

"I'm afraid the right to this decision is with Mr. Miller." She said.

"Man Zach I'm really sorry. Please. I can't be kicked out of this job." Ross plead.

"It's okay... It's a very small issue." I said.

"Very well. Ross you may go back to work." Ineria said and Ross rushed to work.

"Mr. Miller you too. And oh keep the teddy bear in your bag, we don't want anymore fights." She winked and walked back to her cabin.

This girl... Drives me nuts.

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