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Zach Miller
I didn't know what to say. From what it looked like, this imwas my birthday party and most of my high school and college friends that I was still in touch with were here! I looked at Inertia and she was looking right at me waiting for my reaction.

"Fucking hell you amazing woman!" I said and hugged her as tight as I could and the entire room burst out in cheers.

"So I take it that you liked your surprise?" She asked.

"No Inn, I love it." I whispered to her.

"Zach, my man." Sam said and we shook hands.

"I know you were a part of this you shut head. Thanks." I said.

"Oh please, don't insult me. It is the least I could do for my best mate." Sam patted my back and then went back to partying.

I sat on the bar stool while my girlfriend went to over to the DJ and I watched the party my girlfriend had hosted for me. My girlfriend... It feels so good to say that. It was dark with only disco lights flashing. The DJ was playing songs while all my friends were here, dancing and enjoying themselves. The bartender poured me a drink and I sipped on my favourite scotch. Inertia sure does know me. People kept approaching me talking to me about school, college how we missed those times and all the pranks we pulled! My birthday couldn't be better. However, I was proved wrong when I saw her. My world turned upside down when she came and sat next to me.

"Zach." Zoey grinned.

"Zoe." I nodded in acknowledgement.

"It has been a long time, I'm so glad Inertia invited me. I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well here's the thing, Inertia doesn't know about what you did Zoey but I do. I remember that day like it was tomorrow so do me  a favour, stay the hell away from me."

"Oh my my, look at you. Zach Miller is finally not a baby anymore." Zoey teased.

"Zoey, this is my birthday party. I do not want to create a scene and draw attention. So go away." I said.

"Zach, tell me. Is as good as me in bed?" Zoey whispered and placed her hand on my upper thigh.

"This is inappropriate Zoey, move away or I will make you." I warned.

"Oh come on Zach, you know the sex was better with me." She smirked rubbing my arm.

"You can't be doing this!" I said swatting both her hands away.

"I have an effect on you and you know. I can hear you heart raise. It's only a matter of time before something else does too." To be honest my heart was really racing but her words were disgusting me every moment. Just when I need saving, Inertia popped in.

"Hey, the cake is ready." She said pecking my lips. More like claiming me.

"I believe we haven't been introduced. I'm Zoey." Zoey told Inertia.


"As in Newton? Physics?" Zoey laughed.

"Good to see someone remembers their subject." Inertia barked. That's my girl!

"I'll see you around Zach." Zoey winked and then went to the dance floor.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?" Inertia asked.

"That was Zoey, my high school girlfriend who played me." 

"What do you mean played you?"

"That's a long story, it can wait until the party is over?" 

"She had her hands all over you." Inertia said. 

"Trust me, I wasn't enjoying it."

"Okay. Fine." She stomped her foot went towards the cake and I followed.

All my friends circled around the cake as Inertia and I cut it. However, Inertia subtly refused to eat the cake and I gave up not wanting to make a scene in front of everyone. I can deal with that later. Once the cake cutting was over, the dancing resumed. But what I saw was drilling holes in my skull. Inertia was dancing very close to Blake on purpose. My blood was boiling but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. I'm not mad at her because I know she's acting out. About two hours later, all my friends ate and started dispersing and Inertia still wasn't talking to me. Fucking great.

"I'm going to my room. You can take any one of the guest bedrooms."

"Please Inertia, Let me tell you now."

"you didn't say it when I asked for it and now it has no value."

"Please, just hear me out."

"You lost you chance and I'm not giving you another one." She was walking back to her room when I held her wrist to stop her.

"It's my birthday, please don't do this to me."  I begged.

"Zach," her tone softened, her tone fell and her heart melted, "come on, in my room." We both went to her room and sat on the bed. 

"It was senior year an I was single. In fact I had never been in a relationship before. No one in school could digest this. I was the jock you played pranks on teachers and was the most popular guy around. Many girls asked me out but I always said no. Then came Zoey. First we became friends and then she became my girlfriend, the most popular girl in school. We were the power couple. But the I lost my virginity to her and the next day she broke up with me. She told me I was her challenge. She wanted to land the guy no girl had landed." I finished. 

"I'm so sorry." Inertia said and hugged me.

"I'm sorry for telling you earlier." I said.

"No it's okay. I was being insecure and immature. The whole Blake thing I did was clearly stupid." 

"How about we settle this in bed?" I smirked.

"Birthday sex is so clichéd." Inertia chuckled.

"Our whole relationship is cliché."


"So, in bed?" I asked once again.

"Why else do you thing I wore this sexy thing?" She smirked taking off her dress. Holy crap looks like I'm going to have the night for my life!

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