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Inertia Louis
I sat on the couch that was placed on the stage along with Mike. I was fine now, the panic attack worried me a little but that's all. Mike and I had gone through our stories of how we met, how we fell in love, where was the first date blah blah blah... In short, we were ready for the interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show once again and today we have the newly engaged and most popular couple Mr. Thompson and Ms. Louis with us! Give then a huge round of applause!" The host/interviewer said.

"Mr. Thompson, where did you and Ms. Louis first meet?"

"We met through my dad, some years ago at a party." Mike answered smiling at me.

"Ms. Louis I'm sure you remember your first date with Mr. Thompson. Would you like to share that with us?"

"It wasn't any normal dinner. I still remember how he cooked for me and we had a small picnic outside the city. The night sky was beautiful, laced with stars. We spent the night there, away from the noise and work." I said looking into Mike's eyes with love and affection. To be honest, the whole time I was picturing him to be Zach. That made life easier.

"When are the two of you planning to get married?"

"Whenever her mother feels right. That's the only family we have left." Mike answered.

"That is really sweet of you. Letting your mother in law make the decision."

"I know. That's one of the reasons I fell for Mike. He knows how important family is, he loves my mother like his own." Questions buzzed but and I gave my well rehearsed answers. However, one question caught me off guard.

"Are you two actually engaged or is this a merger stunt?" Someone from the crowd asked. 

"What? This is outrageous!" Mike defended.

"Then answer it!" The same person said.

"This shuts down right now." I told the interviewer. 

"Thank you for coming." The interviewer out of fear and the cameras went off.

"What the hell was that?!" Mike yelled at the interviewer.

"I'm so sorry sir-------"

"Your HOD come down here right now!" My mom yelled appearing out of no where... one again. 

"Inertia, Mike, go home. I'll handle this." My mother said.

"Okay." Mike answered for the both of us. 

The two of us sat in the car in silence. We didn't talk until he dropped me a little before the gate of my house... I don't know how he understood but I didn't want him to drop me at my house... It seemed wrong because I was still with Zach technically. He drove off and I began walking to my house. Before I could reach the gates, a hand covered my mouth and the the other pulled me away. My reflexes kicked in and I elbowed whoever it was.

"Fuck."  The boy cursed and I pulled the hood off his head.


"Only me." He said hissing in pain.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You know what. The whole day I've been driving myself crazy thinking about you and Mike. Please tell me there's a catch. Please tell me that this is all a lie." He pleaded.

"No it's not. I'm marrying him." I confessed,

"What? NO! There has to be an explanation! You can't do this to me." 

"Zach, I wanted to tell you that I can't be with you. I can't date a fomer employee. The media will get me left right and centre. I have to be someone who is more like me, I am the holder of the biggest firm in the world. I have to protect my reputation." I lied.

"I can see the lies in your eyes. I know this isn't your doing and I also know that this has something to do with the fact that your suddenly so close to your mother. But guess what I'm not going to try and find out because I know you and I know you will not go down without a fight. So do what you have to because on the other side, I'll be waiting for you." He said and walked away.

I began walking to my house. I couldn't believe how much that man loved me. I couldn't believe that he trusted me enough to let such a big thing go and still wait for me on the other side. Now I know why I love him. It is because his love in unconditional, that's what true love is. Now I have a chance to go back to him and I start by finding out who is giving out information to my mother. I call my PI and ask him to meet me in a café near by. 

"So do you have anything from when I told you to keep and eye on Zach and my Mother?" I ask.

"Yes, but mostly I have things on your mother."

"Go on." I said.

"Every week Monday morning 8:00 am she drops cash in the trash can near this very café. On of the guys who empties the trash can picks this money and give it to whoever is informing on how. Every Sunday she gets a call in the evening and they talk for about and hour after which the conversation is over." He said.

"How does the money reach the final guy? Have you seen his face?" I asked.

"No, not yet. I don't know how that happens but I'm working on it."

"The number, can you trace the number that makes the call to my mother?" I asked.

"Who ever this is they are very good in hiding their tracks. The person uses a different number each time and each number is from a different state. It's impossible to trace the person by the number." 

"Then you will have to trace him/her through the trash can guy."

"I'm on it, It won't take more than 3-4 days." He said.

"Good, call me if you find anything." I said and he nodded. 

I went home satisfied. I changed into my pyjamas and some random top and went to sleep. I just hope I can find this person soon. Whoever this person is, they have messed with me and I'm not letting this go...

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