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Inertia Louis

I grabbed the broken vase piece and stood in front of the mirror. I never thought I'd feel so low, so much pain that I would have to have other pain to distract myself. I lifted up my shirt sleeves and ran the broken vase piece on the inside of my arm just a little away from the armpits. Wrists are too exposing I can't risk people knowing. I continued until I felt pure satisfaction. The physical pain eased my emotional pain.

I washed my wound under running water to clean the blood and the water brought in more pain and satisfaction. Once all the blood was gone, I wiped the water off and pulled the sleeves of my shirt back down. As soon as I did that, regret hit me.


I'm such an idiot! I have to fight this. I will not let that woman blackmail me. I have to do something. Also, Ren has to know. She can't come home now. Not when she is still in my house. I checked my voicemails and one name caught my eyes, Zach Miller. Anger erupted once again... Why is he calling me?!

'Ma'am all arrangements are in place we are set to go forward with the project.'  Said the voice mail.

Of course it's work related. He was just with me for the pictures. I wonder how much my mother paid him? Or wait did she sleep with him in return for this disgusting thing? I can't believe I actually fell for that crap. Fuck. I want to laugh at myself. I took my phone and called my assistant.

"I want out men to follow Zach Miller an employee wherever he goes. I also want my men on the lady who's picture I shall send to you. I want to know everything about where they are going, who they meet, when they eat, when they sleep everything." I ordered.

"Okay ma'am it will be done." He said and I hung up. Then I called my CS (company secretary).

"Increase Zach Miller's work load. I want to see him drowning in work. I want him to feel miserable. Make sure that happens." I commanded.

"Consider it done ma'am."

It felt so good to have that kind of power over someone. None of these people could say a no to me. None of them could stand up to me. They have to obey. Zach Miller will pay for messing with me. Trusting someone with my heart was a mistake, a grave mistake. I'm not doing it again.

'Hey Ren, I know you're not talking to me and I'm sending you a voice mail again but I need you to know something. You may not come back ever but if you're thinking of just meeting me for a while then now is not the time. You shouldn't come here now. There are a lot of problems and I don't want to you to fall in them. Ha e fun with Sky. Love you.'

I then lied down on my bed looking at the plain white ceiling. Don't feel anything. Pretend you don't care. Two hours was was lying on my bed but couldn't sleep. I was frustrating how crushed I felt. One sleeping pill, just one last time I told myself. So, I popped a pill into my mouth and gulped it without and water. However, when my eyes were shutting one last thought slipped into my mind. This wasn't the last time I was having those pills...

The next morning, I woke up on time. My body was slowly getting resistant to those pills. I brushed, took a shower, changed into my formals and left for my office in my baby. Since I was in such a good mood, note the sarcasm I decided to visit each and every office I have near by which is a lot and call all the other offices to check how everything is going.

By the time I finished all the offices just in this state, it was evening. I had skipped lunch, in fact I had eaten nothing since yesterday. So, when I reached the office that I share with Blake, I ordered myself a burrito to eat.

"You eat like an animal." Blake commented standing at the door of my cabin.

"Yeah you will too when you haven't eaten in two days." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you think you're overworking yourself?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I can do a little t more than this. This is me going easy on myself."

"Something is wrong and I know you're not telling me. I'll find out eventually." Blake shrugged.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just don't have anything but work to do."

"Let's cut it short, this problem of yours has something to do with Zach right?"

"How did you know?" I asked astonished.

"You know you just accepted that you have a problem." He smirked.

"You cheated! But seriously how did you know?"

"We'll the fact that Zach has his face buried in a ton of files and that had time to do nothing else proves so."

"You sound sorry for him."

"Well, can not blame me if I do. They guy looks place from the amount of work he's been doing."

"Whatever, I should get back to work."

"Fine, go hide yourself under those files you have to come out sooner or later." 

I just sighed and went back to doing what I was doing. I sat in my office till late hours and decided to take a check of who all were still working and who all had left for the day. That's when I spotted Zach in his cabin still working. A smile of satisfaction made its way onto my face. Several empty redbull cans were all over his desk and looked exhausted with the amount of work he was doing. Goal one achieved...

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