Science Over Breakfast

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He fumbled into the kitchen to see Bucky, already awake, making breakfast. He floated over to the coffee machine, mumbing a quick 'morning' as he passed the soldier. He grabbed his coffee and placed himself on the counter next to where Bucky was cooling.

"Morning, Tony." Bucky cheered rather loudly causing Tony to close his eyes grab his head in pain. "Did someone drink too much last night?" He teased, his voice sounding further away. He came back and placed a cold flannel to the back of Tony's neck. The sound of a box opening told Tony that Bucky was in a good mood today. If he wasn't he wouldn't have helped. He would have just left Tony there to suffer in silence. Then again, if he was in a bad mood he would lock himself in his room. "Here, take these, they'll help." Tony saw two white pills shoved in front of his face, he took his hands from his head and looked up at Bucky. "They're what i use for my headaches." He smiled sadly, going back to his cooking. Once t'challa's goons were done messing around in Bucky's mind, they brought on some major headaches. They weren't like any normal headaches, they literally paralysed the guy. It was also a sign that their temporary solution for Bucky's mind was wearing off. Tony took the pills greatfully and looked back to where Bucky was expertly making pancakes.

"How'd you get so good at this? No offense, but i'm pretty sure HYDRA don't teach their assassins to murder a good breakfast." Tony asked, doubting that what he said was actually funny to Bucky. To his suprise, the soldier laughed. It was olny a brief laugh, but it was something.

"No, i think i made them all the time as a kid." He looked over to Tony as he took the last pancake out of the pan.

"You made the best in the county." Steve piped up as he strutted into the kitchen. Bucky raised an eyebrow to Tony.

"Best in the county, see i was good at something." He smiled, placing the pancakes in the middle of the table. "Feast away, gentlemen." He smiled as everyone wandered into the kitchen at the scent of food. "And ladies." He smiled to Nat and Wanda as they came in behind Thor who stood aside to let them get to the table first. They had all noticed that Bucky, a bit like Steve, but on a much larger scale, was still stuck in his 1940s gentlemanly ways.

"So Bucky," Tony started, a mouth full of pancake. "I'm working on something for you down in the lab, but i need your opinion on it."

"Is it a haircut?" Steve teased, Bucky threw pancake at him and smiled.

"Stuff it, Rogers." He laughed lightly. He turned his attntion back to Tony. "Sorry, man, what were you saying?" He asked politely.

"I'm working on a new arm for you." Bucky choked on his food, sitting forward a little. "I just need to make a few more ajustments, and create some moderations to the way you like it and it should be done." Bucky looked at him with the most greatful look he'd ever seen.

"Are you serious? You're actually making a new arm?" He asked disbelief writted across his face. Tony nodded and smiled. "You don't have to, man, i can survive with one arm." Tony shrugged.

"Yeah, but i'm sick of you breaking things." He teased. Bucky rolled his eyes. Tony had done so much for him this past month, most of them being things he probably didn't deserve. He gave him a home, a bedroom, food. He paid for therapy sessions, both mental and phyisical and he was now working on a new arm for him, this man did so much for everyone. It was unbelievable the amount of work he actually did for everyone and no one really seemed to show him any respect. He decided from now on that he was going to change that.

"Thank you, Tony, seriously." He smiled, nodding towards Stark.

"So what do you fancy putting on it? Lights? A cup holder?" Tony teased.

"How 'bout putting a self heating system in it. Sparring with this guy is like hell." Clint smirked, not looking up from his food.

"Shut up, Barton, stop being a whimp." Bucky quipped, looking back to Tony.

"I could put a self heating system in it, it shouldn't be too complicated, i could also place a self cleaning system inside so it doesn't rust up, i can make it water proof." Tony listed off. Bucky sat there in thought for a second before nodding.

"Sounds good, i like the idea of the cleaning thing, rust was a huge issue with the old one. Kept seizing up whenever i came out of cryo." Bucky smiled, noting the empty plate in the middle of the table and stood up to clean it. Sam stopped him and grabbed the plate.

"Nah, man, you cooked, i got this." He smiled. Bucky paused for a moment before sitting back down. Steve smiled proudly. It was nice to see his friends getting along.

"So when do we start." Tony clapped his hands, making everyone jump slightly, everyone besides Nat and Clint, they stayed scarily still.

"Whenever you're ready." Bucky smiled, nodding towards Tony, who stood up and grabbed the soldier by the hand. No one was brave enough or quick enough to comment.

"Well then, lets get going."

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