You Gosh Darn Fool!

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He woke up whilst it was still dark, like he had been doing for the past how ever many years, but somehow, this time felt different. He didn't have a single nightmare last night. Nothing. At all. He looked to his left and figured out why. There, lying next to him, was the one and only Tony Stark. It was extremely obvious that something had happened last night, something that probably shouldn't have happened, but it did. There was no coming back from it now, no taking it back, no pretending that it didn't happen. Not that he wanted to pretend. It felt nice waking up next to someone for once, but this wasn't supposed to happen. He didn't plan for this. Not with Tony. Not this soon. He still didn't think that he deserved this man. He knew he didn't deserve this, but he couldn't help but want it. He pulled himself out from underneith Tony's sleeping form, making sure that he didn't wake him up and sat in the gap just above Tony on the couch. He looked around at the hotel room. It wasn't his and Sam's, so it must have been Tony and Steve's, which meant that Steve knew. Steve knew exactly what happened last night, which meant that Sam knew, which most likely meant the rest of the team knew. He started breathing faster and his flesh hand started shaking. He knew exactly what was happening. Tony explained it all to him after the airport. Five things he could see: the broken lamp, the smashed vase, the ripped clothes thrown everywhere and Tony, with slight bruises peppering his skin. None of which helped Bucky's situation, it only made him panic more. He shot up, the blanket previously wrapped around him falling, leaving his top half bear. He rushed out onto the balcony and closed his eyes. He still couldn't seem to calm down. His breath was still rapidly firing out of his mouth when he felt two arms gently wrap around his torso. He instantly calmed down, knowing who it was. His breath slowed and his hand stopped shaking. He leaned his head back onto Tony's shoulder, closing his eyes and trying to keep his breathing even. 

"You should have woken me up." Tony whispered soflty, placing gentle kisses to Bucky's face. Bucky smiled and scrunched his face up when Tony placed a kiss to the tip of his nose. He shrugged, his eyes opening a little wider.

"You were sleeping." Tony rolled his eyes at this and placed one last kiss on Bucky's lips.

"You gosh darn fool, James!"

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