Steve You Little Shit

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Nat's phone beeped loudly, waking her up. She groaned frustratedly, mentally cursing whoever dared to wake her up.

"Следующий человек, который разбудит меня, получит мой нож в голову, клянусь богом." She ranted harshly to herself as she violently rolled over and snatched her phone off of her nightstand. She unlocked it with such force that she was suprised that her thumb didn't break through the screen, silently cursing in Russian the whole time; until she saw the message. It was a picture, from Steve.

She couldn't exactly see who was in the picture because the lighting was so bad, but she could bloody well guess

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She couldn't exactly see who was in the picture because the lighting was so bad, but she could bloody well guess. Her mouth hung open as she stared at the picture for a good few minutes. In those few minutes she got some more texts from Steve, most of them asking if she was dead and complaining about how he and Sam saw worse. When she snapped out of her shocked trance she immediately called Steve. The phone hardly even got to ring once before he answered.

"Oh my gosh, Nat. Did you see the picture? Did you?" He squealed exitedly. She had to stop and take a moment to stop herself from crying over how much of a massive dork Steve was. She sighed and laughed nervously.

"I din't expect it." She heard Steve's loud laugh booming through the phone.

"Trust me, i don't think they did either." He laughed again, something that he did when he was really nervous, or excited, and sometimes scared, oh and angry, he just laughed all the time. They both stayed quiet for another minute, letting the last few moments set in. No one had thought that Tony and Bucky would be able to tolerate each other, let alone sleep together.

"Wait, Steve...?" She asked cautiously, hearing him hum in response gently. "How did you get the picutre...?" She heard Steve choke on something, before he coughed to style it out. She heard the sound of a glass being put down as Steve laughed nervously again.

"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't ask..." He trailed of only making Nat worry more. "I had some - uh - stealth training during the war..." Nat sighed and shook her head.

"For the love of God Steven you cannot go around snapping pictures of people when you want, it's creepy!" She scolded him, lowkey glad that he did take the picture because now she could wind them up about it.

"Don't lie, you love it." He chuckled.

"Well yeah, but as the only sensible grown up here i have to tell you not to do it." She rolled her eyes. Steve laughed, yet again, before sighing.

"I'm really happy for them. I didn't think Bucky would ever be in love again." She could hear the pride in his voice and smiled. Finally, something that worked out for both of them.

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