Bruce's Beautiful Awakening

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He woke up the next day and stretched a little too much, effectively falling out of bed.

"I've been awake five seconds and i already hate my life." He grumbled as he just lay on the floor for a moment, contemplating whether it was worth getting up today or not. He supposed that he should get up, he didn't really do anything yesterday...or the day before...or the day before that...or for the past month if he was honest. Maybe getting up was a good idea? Maybe just five more minutes? He decided as he pulled his blanket down from his bed and wrapped it around him. He was just drifting off when the loud bang of his door opening forced him to open his eyes and spring up into a sitting position.

"WAKE UP SNOOZY BUTT" He heard the very awake and very cheery voice of Tony yell. He groaned in annoyance. This clearly meant that Bucky was back, which was a good thing, but it meant that Tony was back to his normal childish self and Bucky would be making some gay ass savage sass queen comments all day long, and of course so many gay many.

Tony saw the fact that Bruce was sitting on the floor and clearly awake and nodded, running out of the room and possibly into Steve's' room. He heard Tony's voice through the walls as he threw something at the super soldier and yelled "GET THE FUCK UP YOU PATRIOTIC ASSHAT!" Which made Bruce extremely grateful for Tony waking him up in a gayer slightly less violent manner.

"Hey Bruce. How's it going?" He heard Bucky's softer, slightly amused voice from the doorway. Bruce stumbled to his feet and tried to straightened himself up a little.

"Well, James, considering I was on the floor, it's going great." He mumbled a little. "How are you?" He asked, noting the cuts and bruises on Bucky's face. Bucky nodded and pursed his lips.

"I'm okay."

"No you're not." Bruce stated simply. The two men stood, staring at each other knowingly for at least five minutes. Right up until Steve launched himself at Bucky, picking up the soldier and in the process, catching his bruised ribs.

"Ah, Steve, you blonde bimbo piece of shit!" He hissed in pain, but laughed slightly. Steve immediately put his friend down and grabbed his face, checking him over the way a worried mother would.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where did you go? How bad are you hurt? Stupid question, I'll kill em either way." He rushed, pulling Bucky in for another, softer hug. Bucky didn't even have a chance to answer before Tony piped up.

"Okay Steven, that's enough. He's my boyfriend." He cut in, tucking both of his arms around Bucky's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. Bucky leaned his head onto Tony's, intertwining his fingers with Tony's.

"He's my best friend!" Steve argued, folding his arms.

"If you like then you should've put a ring on it." Tony sung, sticking his tongue out, making everyone laugh. They were interrupted by the sound of feet wandering upstairs. They all looked behind Tony to see Hali wobbling up the stairs. "Good morning, Dr." Tony smiled proudly. He didn't even know what the woman was a doctor in, but all he knew was that he was proud of her. She growled gently in response and stopped near the group. "Guys, this is Dr Hali Gunner. Dr Gunner, this is Steve and Bruce, who is also a Dr." Hali raised her eyebrows in greeting and waved tiredly. "The rest of them are getting up now, i'll introduce you later." She nodded and tried hard to keep her eyes open.

"What kind of Dr are you?" Steve asked, wanting to know more about the woman who had apparently just moved in. She widened her eyes again, blinking a few times to get properly used to the light.

"I, um, I'm a psychya-a shrink, I'm basically a shrink." She mumbled, struggling with the word 'psychiatrist'. Steve nodded and looked impressed. Banner looked like he had questions for her. Tony knew that his friend had been meaning to see a shrink for quite some time, but never got round to calling one.

"Right well Steven, you go make breakfast, Bucky and I will awaken the rest of the idiot parade. Hali, feel free to wander round and do whatever." He patted her on the shoulder and she tiredly nodded. Steve had already marched off to make breakfast and Tony had taken Bucky by the hand and started walking away. Bruce turned to Hali and smiled awkwardly.

"Could I ask you a question?" He mumbled shyly. She looked over at him and it seemed to take a minute for the question to sink in.

"Oh, uh, sure. Shoot." She answered after a couple minutes too long of silence. Bruce swallowed loudly and shuffled a little.

"How much do you charge for private sessions?" He mumbled so quietly that she almost hadn't heard him. She thought about her answer for a moment.

"Uh, usually I charge $50 an hour, but honestly I don't want the money any more. I'm willing to do it for free." She nodded slowly. Bruce pondered for a second, wandering whether this was a good idea or not, but couldn't see that harm in trying. She went to walk away, but he called her back at the last second.

"Wait! H-Hali, will you give me therapy sessions please?" He asked, a little confident when he saw the smile on her face.

"Of course!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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