Bitch Slapped

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He rolled his eyes for what must have been the hundreth time today. He was sick of all the bitching and all the tension. After all of the drama he wanted to come home to a nice relaxing place where he could sit down, watch TV, spend time with his friends and catch up on what he missed when he was busy being HYDRA's ankle dog. He let out a long sigh of frustration gaining the attention of Clint and Banner. They smirked a little as he rolled his eyes again, flailing his arms in the air before throwing them on the table, gently followed by his head at Wanda's words. This was the third day in a row she managed to piss him off.

"All i'm saying is it should have happened before they were used against you. The only reason you stopped creating weapons was because you got hurt." She whined. Tony glared at her as if she had just thrown his puppy into the oven.

"The reason i stopped creating weapons is because i finally saw what the real world was like. I'd been protected by money my entire life and i got to experience, first hand, what the less fortunate went through." He bitched, pulling the sassiest face in the world, lips slightly parted. Wanda went to speak again, but Bucky shot up from his position on the table and turned to her.

"You say one more fucking word and i swear to God i will bitch slap you back to Sokovia do not test me." He ranted rather violently, shocking everyone in the room, including Steve. Again, Nat didn't seem phazed, she looked as if she hadn't a care in the world. She threw her hand up lazily.

"If he doesn't i will." She smirked, blowing Bucky a kiss jokingly. It was a small thing they did to show each other that they were there and ready to defend the other to the death. She knew Bucky was gay and didn't want anything more from him other than the closest friendship he could give her. She wanted nothing more than to see him happy. Tony looked proud of Bucky. He had a smirk of success spread across his face. Wanda, however looked terrified.

"As i was going to say-" she started to argue back only to be stopped by a hand connecting with her face rather harshly. She glanced up at the culprit, shocked and wide eyed, to see red hair bouncing around their face. "Natasha?" She asked disbelievingly. Nat shrugged and locked eyes with Bucky.

"We gave fair warning." She smirked. Everyone was in complete and utter shock, but then Clint stood up and started applauding his friend, which ended in everyone in the room cheering Nat. Wanda pushed herself up out of her chair and stormed out of the room. "That wasn't crossing a line, right?" Nat asked, slightly more aware of what emotions people were feeling. Bucky shook his head slightly as he made his way round the table and towards Tony.

"Not at all." He smiled as he threw himself onto Tony's lap, suprising everyone, including Nat. They just kind of stopped and stared, shocked, but they didn't dare say anything. They were too afraid to spoil the moment. Tony seemed to appreciate the gesture. He wrapped his arms around the mans waist, pulling him closer rather slowly, scared to cross a line, but Bucky only seemed to burry himself into the embrace more, leaning back against Tony's chest, resting his head on his shoulder, Tony resting his chin on Bucky's shoulder. The rest of that night was spent with Bucky, Tony, Clint, Bruce and Nat laughing and eating whatever they could find because everyone else was doing their own thing and Steve was sleeping because, you know, him being a real senior citizen and all. Eventually everyone cleared out of the kitchen and it was just TOny and Bucky left. "Tony?" Bucky called gently as he played with Tony's hair.

"Ya?" Tony asked quietly, closing his eyes and leaning into Bucky's touch.

"I think you should talk to Wanda, see things from her point of view and everything." He sighed, Tony looked up at him, expecting to see some form of joking smile plastered across his face. Instead he notice that the man was completely serious. He meant everyword he'd just said. Tony sighed heavily and nodded, gently moving Bucky from his lap and standing up, walking out of the kitchen. "You got this!" Bucky called after him, opening the fridge and pulling out a bag of plumbs that he'd brought the other day. Man, that was a trip to remember.

Tony made his way into the lounge, searching for the brunette. So far he'd searched her room, the training room, the library, the lounge and when he saw she wasn't there he made his way to the briefing rooms to see if she had wandered into one of them. He found her eventually. She was curled up on one o the chairs in the briefing room where they'd first learned about the accords. Stepping in there was a lot for Tony, he hadn't even walked past that room since the whole thing with Steve. Her face was a little red where Nat had slapped her. He threw himself down into the chair next to her.

"Crazy day, huh." He smiled, looking to her for some form of reaction. She scoffed and turned away from him. "Listen, Wanda, i didn't plan for Nat to hit you. I just wanted you to shut up, to be honest, i  was getting a little stressed." She turned back to him and looked into his chocolate brown eyes with her teary ones. "Did it hurt?" He asked pointing to her cheek. She hesitated a minute before nodding.

"Just a little." She admitted, her voice more quiet and more vulnerable than he'd ever heard her. He stood up, holding his hand out for her to take. She hesitated, yet agian, before taking his hand and pulling herself up to stand next to him. He pulled his hand away and placed it over her shoulder, guiding her back to the kitchen.

"Let's go get you some ice." He smiled gently, assuring her that she had at least one friend in the tower. "Listen, i don't care about whatever 'beef' - as you kids say - you have with me, let's forget it, move past it and start anew." He reasoned, looking down at her. She stopped dead in her tracks, contemplating her next move. Yeah she was pissed that it was Stark Industries that killed her parents, but then she remembered that Tony wasn't the only Stark to ever exist, his father was the one to start the business. She pulled away from him and stuck her hand out, smiling a little.

"Mr Stark, it is a pleasure to meet you, i am Wanda Maximoff." She smirked. Tony laughed loudly for a second before shaking her small hand.

"Miss Maximoff, please call me Tony, and the pleasure is all mine." They both laughed their way to the kitchen, leaving Bucky a little confused when they waltzed in, arm-in-arm, but he was happy for the both of them, happy that finally they could all take a break from the drama.

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