When You Don't Smile- Dangerous Era

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Hey guys! Sorry I took so long typing away from Blanket Jackson Imagines. But here we are the first chapter of Michael Jackson Imagines! Vote and Comment because came up with these chapters during school.

You were always sad and depressed from being a nobody. No one never talks to you or even gives you an assuring smile.

One day you were walking down the sidewalk emotionless and not even smiling like other people do everyday. When you were about to enter the Dollar General store you bump into someone.

"Oh,I'm so sorry miss. Are you alright?" A man asking you if you are alright and not hurt.

"I'm fine. Why do you care?" You asked him in a monotone.

"Because I care about other people and children's safety. Why don't you ever smile?" He questioned you making you flinch a little.

"Because when you don't smile, you just don't feel any love around you." You replied.

"Why would no one give you any love? I love everyone's life and God's warmth inside me is loved." He said giving you a smile.

"Yeah, but not me or God. "

The man slightly frowns and then walks up and hugged you very comfortably leaving you in a shocking reaction.

"H- Hey why are you....."

"My name's Michael and I know this is so soon but I'm going to give you as much love as possible and show you that your not alone in dark. You just need someone to guide you by your side and I'm willing to help you." He said as you felt tears brimming and then hug him back.

"Your.....your going to show me love?" You cried on his shoulder.

"Whatever it takes for me to make you smile." He smiled as you look up at him and made a smile from all those years of sadness are now gone to seek the sunshine.

You are loved and you'll never let go of that smile from the help of him.

Michael Jackson imagines ll By: Thriller5Where stories live. Discover now