Peter Pan- Thriller era

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You were in the living room with your boyfriend Michael watching Peter Pan.

"I love Peter Pan and he is one of my favorite Disney characters. "Michael said smiling.

"I can see why you called this place Neverland so you won't grow up old like he would." You said as he stick out his tongue playfully.

"Well at least I can have children over for company so we can have fun." He said.

"True. But am I Wendy that is part of Neverland also?" You ask pouting.

"Yes my dearest love one you are truly Wendy that is part of Neverland. "He kissed you on your cheeks and lips playfully making you giggle.

"I love you Peter." You said.

"I love you too, Wendy." He replied smiling.

Michael Jackson imagines ll By: Thriller5Where stories live. Discover now