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Michael was working on his new album 'BAD' and he was working on a music video called The Way You Make Me Feel.

"Look we need a role girl to be put in the spotlight where she can be walking around seductively and sassy." Frank said as Michael groaned.

" I know Frank. I just don't know who to pick to be working for that job." Michael said.

"How about ______ ______? Or Tatiana Thumbzten?" Frank suggested.

"Alright then." Michael accepted.

Michael pov

We met with two girls to see who has the brains to be the best role model for the music video.

"I think _____ has the sexiest walk for the video." Frank said.

"I think so too." I agreed.

I look at Tatiana who was doing the catwalk like at some fashion show.

"Alright ladies,  we've made our decision. "Frank said.

I stood up to face both of the ladies. 

"Tatiana you're walking was very beautiful and sexy to get a man's attention to you're legs but despite on how you walk was for a fashion show  I assume." I told her as her smile felled.

"______, you walked gracefully to attract men in the eyes and just to say got the job." I told her as she smiled and hugs me.

"Thank you! I'll do my best. " You squealed as he chuckle.

Tatiana in the other hand stomped away leaving without a word coming out of her mouth.

I look at _______ for a second and felt my cheeks getting warm.

"So, uh, _______?" I asked her as she got her attention to me.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Would you or could you like to go out sometime?" I asked her as she looks at me in her beautiful (eye color).

"Sure. How about this Thursday? "She asked.

"Crystal." I accepted.

"Wow Michael, you finally had the guts to ask a girl out." Frank said as I smiled with a blush on my face.

Michael Jackson imagines ll By: Thriller5Where stories live. Discover now