You meet Lisa Marie Presley- History Era

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You decided to go visit your best friend Michael at Neverland since he got married to Rockin roll daughter of Lisa Marie Presley. You never met her before and you might be in luck to see how much love she will give to Michael. When you drove to the ranch  you arrive at the doorstep and knocked on the door that revealed Michael.

"(N/N)! I'm so glad your here." He hugged you and hug back.

"Hey Mikey, I'm really happy to be coming over at your place and not to admit your married." You said in excitement.

"_______ I want you to meet my wife Lisa. Lisa this is my best friend ______." He introduced the two of you as both of you shook hands.

"Very pleased to meet you Lisa." You said.

"I'm happy to meet you two." She said.

About 5 months later.....

You arrived at Michael's house to give him and Lisa an anniversary gift. When you enter inside the mansion you saw the most horrible sight you can ever see. Lisa was having sex with another man that was not Michael. You didn't make a sound from the loud moaning and trusting as you took your camera out and took pictures of the sex scene.

3 hours past and Michael arrived at home and was unexpected to see you.

"Hey baby girl, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Michael I need to talk to you and show you something very horrible of your relationship with Lisa." You said sadly.

Michael- I listen to _______ as she told me about Lisa cheating on me with another guy and got proof by showing me photos of them.

"I'll be right back. Wait here. "I told her as I felt my rage inside coming up.

Third person- You waited outside like about 20 minutes and then decided to go inside to see what's going on. You went inside you heard Michael and Lisa arguing in the bedroom.

"I can't believe you did this to me after everything I gave you!" Michael yelled.

"It was a mistake and I never-" Lisa was cut off when you enter inside to see her cover in sheets with the guy beside her and Michael glaring at them.

"At least I have a best friend who was my crush that I had on for years." You heard Michael muttered.

"Exscuse me? I'm the one who married you and you decide to take the advantage-" He cut off Lisa as he wrapped his arms me and kissed you passionately.

"I love you ______from the day we met and from the years we spent our lives before I got into marriage." He confessed as you smiled. "Lisa, I would like to sign some divorce papers for us so you can live with your boy toy." He said as Lisa looked dumbfounded at him and you.

It has been 2 weeks for Lisa and Michael to break up they're relationship of divorce. But for you, you and Michael got into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship fast.

What can you say? Relationships can start off love and romance but sometimes end up heartbreaking.😉

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