Chapter Eight - Venom

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April 10, 2017

8:46 am

Sorry it cam later than ever!  Anyway, here is Chapter Eight

Please enjoy!

It has lasted for far too long and I had to act fast before anything I will surely regret happens. I fled deeper within the woods, trying to find something to feed on. But after miles and miles of looking, I still couldn't sense any life force flowing in veins. My vision was turning darker and my fangs were starting to protrude. I could not go back to civilization looking like this. Looking like a monster and feeling like one.

Hearing and letting the sound of flowing water take my attention, I found a lake and I dropped to my knees at the edge of it. The faint sound of the flowing water overcame the pounding of the waterfall to the rocks. Something inside me was responding to it, to its call. The ripples in the water were like something or someone was causing it. It had some kind of pattern but I could not discern its meaning and somehow, I felt my body being pulled to the water. So I moved forward a little, slightly pushing my body more, leaning into the water until I could see my reflection. I stared at myself and what I saw was beyond what was normal and tamed. My red eyes looked more savage than usual but it was shinier than before. My skin was whiter, almost like I was glowing, my cheeks were a bit rosy and my lips were redder and fuller than Snow White's, you could even mistake me for wearing lipstick. Unbelieving what I was seeing, I touched the tips of my fingers to the water and it distorted my image a little, but the unusual beauty stayed. This was the image that to humans will forever be of something dangerous and monstrous.

But a killer was not really what I felt. It was less than wanting to kill, just wanting to feed. Then I realized we never did have to cause such unnecessary deaths to anyone or anything. We simply needed blood to sustain life. Getting it does not require tearing a person or an animal apart. It does not have to always end so sadly and tragically, but our relationship with the humans does not seem to be okay. Books show that people are mostly disgusted by vampires and they are always written into hiding and showing off such unimaginable beauty and strength, but with the lack of feeding I give myself, my beauty is not as obvious as my strength, which I try my best not to show. And given my status in school, I could say that I do not qualify their perception of "beauty."

Shaking my head, I leaned back and prepared myself to stand. Just as I was about to straighten myself up, I sensed something running and I immediately jolted up to my feet. I felt and heard a beating heart. Its rhythm was so alive and desirable, making me hope it never dies. This was what I was going to rule. I looked up and around. Massively tall trees surrounded me and I never really notice how high they were whenever I sit on their arms and "drink" my lunch. And at this moment, the bigger part of it was the animals and other creatures that live in here, whether it was inside the trees or underground and maybe even in the waters. And it scares me to think that by just hearing their pulses, I might not be able to control myself, my hunger, my thirst and my desire for blood.

But the feeling I was getting was not of pure hunger or the strong want to kill. It was mostly of happiness driven by the rhythmical beating of the heart that was not far-off from where I stood. The sound of life was giving me mixed emotions and I debated with myself about running after it for "help" or letting it go, therefore letting myself starve and Dracula knows what might happen if I let my hunger on for another long time.

The beating grew louder and it pulled my full attention to it. It let out a loud humanlike cry, more like that of a woman. Just the tone of it rendered my mind blank and I knew I had to have even the slightest bit of taste of that creature's blood. I sniffed the wind and caught a musky scent, it was not a pleasing smell but the pulse of the creature was stronger than its odor. And it continued to pull me to it more and more.

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