15 4 0

I walk into Miss L's classroom. I can't really pronounce her last name, neither can the rest of the class so we call her Miss L. She teaches biology.
"Morning Ashton," she says cheerfully.
"Morning," I smile.
I was the first one as always. I hand her my homework.
"On time as always!," she smiles.
I nod and make my way to my normal spot in the back. I sit down and put my headphones in.
This is one of the classes I love a lot because Leah's in this class. I'm glad her boyfriend and followers aren't.
I look up as the bell rings and see Leah walk in. She sits in the desk a few ahead of me. More people arrive and sit down as the second bell rings indicating that class began.
I take my headphones out and put them away with my phone as Miss L., tells us what we are doing today.
"Good morning! Today we are going to get into partner work.. a diagram of different blood cells," Miss L., starts.
I look to see most people looking at each other excitedly. Probably because they want to be partners. I don't have any friends sadly.. mostly because people are scared that if they hang out with me, they would be beat up by Tyler.
"But, I will choose partners," she finishes.
A lot of people groan and she gets out a list.
As she starts saying names, I kinda zone out. Great.
" -Leah and Ashton."
I look up quickly. She's my partner?! Yes! But I'm really awkward.. damn it.
I look at Leah to see her turned and looking at me. She smiles and I smile back. Maybe it won't be so bad.
"Okay partner up now and get this project done," Miss L., says and walks back to her desk.
Before I get up to get to Leah, she decides to come to my desk.
"Hey," Leah says.
Her voice is like an angel's.. I'm cheesy I know.
"H-hey," I stutter.
Dang it. Just talk to her like a normal person idiot!
Leah sits down in a chair next to me after grabbing the stuff we need for the diagram.
"-this is a white blood cell but I don't remember the name.. do you?," Leah looks at me and I comeback to reality.
Oops. What did she say? I was staring at her wasn't I? I look down at what she's pointing at.
"Uhh, that's a Neutrophil," I say.
She nods and smiles. Okay. I gotta focus.
We continued doing this until we were done and we finished a minute or so to the bell.
"That was fun, even if all we did was work," Leah laughs.
I agree and chuckle.
"So.. maybe we could han-," I was interrupted by the bell.
"Sorry what?," she asks,
I shake my head and half smile.
"Never mind."
We say our good byes and head our own way and I smile to myself. This is a great day so far.


The rest of school was boring and at lunch someone tripped me but I finally made it home.
I kick off my shoes and sit down on the couch. My mom was at work so I was alone. She won't be home till eight. I decided to watch t.v.
I watched t.v. For an hour and then clean up a bit for my mom.
"Take-out seems nice right now," I say to myself.
I didn't feel like ordering on the phone so I decided to just go to the pizza place just a couple blocks away.
I grab my jacket and head out the door. Locking the door behind me, I quickly pull my jacket on. I don't have my license or a car so I'm walking.
Twenty minutes later or so, I walk into the pizza place. I order and sit down. After a couple minutes, they hand me my pizza.
I sigh. At least I talked to her today.. i smile to myself, thinking about it.

I think this is the longest chapter! Enjoy! Btw I don't really know much about the science stuff I was talking about up there so I searched stuff up so sorry if what ever I said there was wrong.



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