|Announcement ✔|

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"I don't wanna know who are they, cause i've learn one thing "

Sexy boys are equal to devils.

They are finally meeting each other................


Hello ladies and gentleman. I'm Ashni Vince , the soon to be owner of black company , i would like to thank my grandpaa for giving me this opportunity. Thanks for coming guys , i declare that the party is on. Please enjoy.

Cheers and applauds that was all i could  hear. I'm happy that they are happy. The party was held to hand over the Black empire to me.  That's what my grandpaa told me. I'm sacred of all this . I just hope , i could handle all this.

Samantha and jenny were by my side , i know they are dying to go to dance . But the problem is soon a slow started and they have not found a partner. We were just having a small talk with each other. When 3 shadows were behind us.

Turning around, we saw the most handsome guys ever. But i like the middle one and the bad news was that he was smirking at me. Shit. I was too busy  checking him out that i did not notice , he was looking at me. But he was sexy and damm handsome. Devil in human form.

The fact was that those 3 were dress like us  that is "vampires".

They were sexy Vampires , my friends were too busy staring at them that they forgot that they were here for something.

Girls.... That was my word. All of them look at me even those 2 guys . The middle one was already staring at me.

Take a picture it would last long. I said , he seem shock , that i've answer him but soon he speak ..

Oh princess , i would love too. I blush at his words. He was perfect , a good looking guy. Those mysterious eyes and those lips . God . Ash control.

Ya like , i would let you.

Oh really princess but i think someone would let me. And the guys high five with each other. I was shock and confuse. But everything was clear when my grand paa made that announcement....

Guys guys , i forgot to announce.. All attention was on him now. Even the DJ has reduce the sound .

Today we have been gather here because of 2 big reason.

First i would like to invite my grand daughter and Leo grey on the stage. It was my move to leave but who was  leo grey.

But them , i started understanding everything . That guys he was....

May i have the pleasure to hold your hand till on the stage.

As nice i was , i had to accept . We went straight on the stage.

So i'm here to announce that the Black company is being handed to Ashni right now.

Everyone clap. And the document was infront of me to sign. My grand paa was so happy because of this and i was happy because he was happy. My mom was here standing near my grandpaa with a big smile on her face.

Now since the documents have been sign . I 'm going to announce the second news.

I here , announce the mariage of my grand daughter to Leo Grey , the CEO of Grey company.

Cheers , clapping could be hear. But i was too shock to react. My grand paa came and whisper in my ears.

Your mom , made a big mistake choosing love before mariage , she went against us because of love and see what had happen. But i won't let that happen to you.

Then he move aways like he greeted me. I was not that shock anymore , my grand paa did that for me. For a better future . 

I watch , how the guy Leo was smiling at me about the fact we are getting married. I guess

I'm getting married soon...


She accepted the fact that she's getting married with him . Wow.
Would any girl be that silent after hearing that shocking news. For example , i would rip my grand paa in 2 pieces. Before letting him talk.

But here you see, its a girl who had suffer all her life , bullying because she was a nerd. In the next chapter you would learn about her past life.

Hope you like it 😚😚



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