|wake up|

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So guys.. April is Ashni. In fact she would e the main character here. And leo would be the desperated one.

Hope you would like it. Guys please vote so that others could see my story.pleaseeeeeeeeee.

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Waking up , i found that i was in my bed.  I tried to remember what happen yesterday but guess what , i got a memory lost. I just hope that i did not do anything wrong. God....

The sun was already in the sky and it was noon. Going in my bathroom ,i took a long shower and came out. Dressing myself in a proper way. I decide to go and meet Mr black.

Coming downstairs i found my brother xavier doing his homeworks , i guess.

Me :Hey bro!

Xavier : oh hi.

Me: what are you doing?

Him: My homeworks.

Me: good  keep it up bro. You got a nice future ahead.

Waking in my garage i got a call. Its was from my assistant  veronica.

Veronica is an aged woman. She is 52 years old and is very good at her work. She always plan everything and the best is she does all her work on month basis . That is . She would finish a month work in a week so that she could rest the next 3 weeks or be easy on her work. She's great i know.

God since Ashni left i've been changing assistant. I just hope this one would last longer than the others.... 

Then something flash through my head.

"You idiot why are you committing suicide. "

What was that. Shit!! Did something happen yesterday. Fuck. 

Unlocking my Lamborghini , i went inside and blasts the music. Alan walker-faded start playing.

The drive was quite to Mr Black. Mr black is a great man. His business skills are really good.   

I was about to open the door , when my assistant call saying she was resigning.

Me: Hello

Her: sir !! ( she was crying)

Me: what happen...

Her : sir  ,i'm resigning !!

Me : but why.

Her: sir my husband don't like it. So he told me to resign. One thing. All works have been done for this month and are on your table. And a list of people that had applied for this job  are on your table.

Me: good . You may come back when , he allow you to work. It would be an honour to have you back.

Her: Thank you. Sir i've choose 3 girls that would be good at this job and they got experience too. I would email you them. But personally i would prefer the one that is new here.

Me : why that?

Her: sir she got experience in famous companies ,plus she had applied here first. I've check and she is not that bad.

Me ;ok then employ her.

Her: Are you sure sir.

Me: i know , what you think ,n would be good.

Her. Ok sir. Sir Her name is April stone.


So guys April had been looking for jobs there one month ago.
And i guess she just found one, in her fiancee company. What would happen.

Would miss April recognise him. Or would see left him like that..

Read the next chapter to know more...

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