Chapter 4: Prime Directive

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(Years Later)

Spaw picked up the pace as she pelted forward with Jim at her side. He was completely covered in head to toe with robes, but Spaw was way too hot for that. She was just lucky that she could keep running with such speed as she had when they started.

They came up a giant creature with Spaw's hackles rising. She was about to leap for the creature and pull out it's throat, but she stopped as Jim stunned the creature.

"What was that," gasped Skull as he lashed his tail against the ground. "That was our escape! How do you want us to escape now without something to escape on?"

"Awe great," complained Jim before there was murmuring behind him.

Spaw's eyes widened as she darted forward with Skull at her side. They continued through the forest, leaping over a few trees in the process.

"What did you take," Bones called over the sound of thier own loud heartbeats.

Jim continued running. "I have no idea, but they were bowing to it," Jim howled as he continued forward.

They continued on before an arrow nearly pierced Skull's shoulder. Skull's eyes widened as he veered sideways, taking a few more leaps into the air with his hackles lifting. "Now they're shooting at us. Why're they shooting at us?!"

"They're trying to kill us," cried Bones as he ducked his head. "They're trying to kill us, Jim."

Spaw looked over her shoulder and bared her teeth in a snarl. "Would you expect anything less since we did take something valuable to them!"

Jim then took out his communication and spoke into it. "Kirk to shuttle 1 the locals are out of the kill zone. I repeat, Spock, get in there and neutralize that volcano!"

"What do we do now," panted Skull as he struggled to keep up the pace with his paws keeping from under him. "I can't keep going that much longer."

They ran their way forward once more before Jim began to veer off from their original path. "Jim, the beach is that way," cried Bones.

Jim's eyes widened as he set the scroll onto the tree and narrowed his eyes against the wind. "We're not going to the beach," he exclaimed.

Bones shook his head madly. "No. No. No."

They continued through the direction at full speed before they came to the side of the cliff. They leaped off, but Spaw and Skull were able to slow their landings at least a little.

They plummeted into the water and Spaw automatically held her breath. Her breath billowed from his nostrils as she sunk deeper and deeper. She could hold her breath for a while, but it wasn't easy to sneak this far.

They made their way to the USS Enterprise and as soon as the water sunk in the room, Spaw took in a deep breath and began to cough until she felt like she could breathe without her chest tightening. Beside her, Skull vomited water before he shook his head to clear it. "We belong to the sky, not the water!"

"You're telling me," Spaw panted.

The door then opened as Scotty appeared to Jock at his side. "You two look wetter than two drowning fish," Jock barked.

"Fish can't drown, Jock," joked Spaw.

Jock rolled his eyes. "I guess not. But, if they could, they would look just like you."

"Scotty, where's Spock," asked Jim as he came forward with water dripping from his hair.

Scotty's face fell as he hung his head. "Still in the volcano, sir."

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