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Maybe I'd be a little happier if I'd just let it go

Sometimes I want to, sometimes I don't

It'd be easier, I'd be happier

I'd waste my time less

But it makes me who I am

It doesn't want to let go of me

It's the reason why I say the things I say

It's the reason why I think the things I think

It helps me understand others the way I do

It's there when I have nothing to show

I know it envelops others as well

It's like the best friend that never lets go

So what do I do?

Do I let go of it? 

Do I run away, start somewhere completely new?

Do I let go of me?

Or do I let it take me away?

Do I welcome it, let it dictate me?

Seems like I'll have to find an in-between.


Poems (2012)Where stories live. Discover now