1.03 Shylock.

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Eden kept walking for hours, leaving behind the well organized, rich region where she used to live and headed to the poor neighborhoods. She kept looking down with her hands in her coat's pockets, moving fast among shadows, trash and abandoned buildings.

People can smell fear, even in the darkness. She wasn't afraid but she didn't want anyone to identify her, so she kept moving thus her feet were aching so bad as if she was walking on razorblades. She could hear footsteps on the pavement behind her. She wasn't far at last. A pack of dogs surrounded her, barking, warning her not to take another step. She took her hand out of the pocket and held the gun under her coat. The leader of the pack came closer growling. She didn't move. She might have skipped a couple of breaths though. The dog kept coming closer. Once he was close enough, he smelled her while all the other dogs were waiting for his signal. He kept on smelling her, indecisive on what to do.

Eden looked into his eyes. He lied down on the pavement, showing of his belly, begging for caresses. She kneeled and pet him watching him making happy noises.

"Grumpy! Is it you, my bastard prince? So you still remember me after all that time?"

Grumpy rolled over and started licking her face.

"Oh! You want kisses now. Ed will kill me for turning you into a muffin... a pumkin... whatever disgraceful he calls wolves' descendants."

Eden stood up and went on walking with Grumpy on her side. No dog dared to question Grumpy's authority so that meant that Charming, Zeon and Odin were dead. She frowned. It had been ages since her last visit. She reached his building. She would rather fight Ed with her bare hands than face his hurt feelings for leaving him behind. On the other hand her feet came first and were more hurt than him, at least that very specific moment. She knocked on the door. Ed opened it and Grumpy pushed it and run into the living room.

Ed didn't expect her. Eden could tell that from the genuine expression of surprise on his face. She started counting the seconds to make sure that she wasn't watching a stroke in progress. It would be extremely inconvenient and obviously impolite if he died before he let her in. Ed took a deep breath, smiled and dragged her into his apartment.

" Come in. Don't just stand there. Oh! you people, the more you think, the less are the possibilities of your survival. Look at Grumpy, he's already on the couch. Grumpy! Get down! None of them ever listens to me whenever you are around, can you explain that to me? You are seducing my boys. You look like shit, princess. Sit! Down!"

Ed placed Eden on the couch after pushing Grumpy aside who was waving his tail, asking for more caresses.

"What do you wish for My Fair Lady? May I bring you water? Food? Alcohol? Drugs? Guns? Your wish is my command." Ed took a bow to Eden and winked.

"A chair, a knife and your shower and I want them now. I'm already behind schedule." Eden answered as she was looking at her clock. The sun would arise within seconds.

Ed took a chair, placed it in the shower and headed to the kitchen to pick up a knife. Eden stood up and headed to the bathroom, missing her steps.

"What kind of knife do you need?" He asked.

" Bring me Shylock."

" Shylock? Your wish is my command. Don't ask. Don't ask..." he mumbled to himself.

Eden had sat on the chair, had taken off her shoes and was washing her feet under the running water.

"Cinderella, it seems like no glass slipper could fit your feet right now. What happened? Had it been too many ashes at your fireplace or had it been no Prince Charming to give you a reason to shower?"

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