Chapter 22

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~RINGGG~ The last bell for school ranged and everybody headed home.

~JungKook's POV~

"Yah JungKook! Ppalli~" His hyungs hollered at him who's waiting impatiently at the basketball court. On every fine day where the weather is nice and a slight cool of breeze, the boys would call a game of basketball.

"Hyung! I'm gonna beat you this time" JungKook mirthfully took the ball away from Suga who was playing with it.
"Really?" Suga chuckled
"Okay~ let's start. You guys against us" Rap Monster pointed to the maknae line then to the rest.

For hours they played until the sun sets. Loosing track on who's winning, they played happily and jokingly together.

-JungKook's House-

"Umma! Appa! I'm home~" JungKook greeted closing the door behind.

"Yae, I'll let him know. Alright bye" He overheard his umma talking on the phone in the living room.
"Is something wrong?" He asked, curiously making his way toward the couch.
"Ah, you're home. Come here" His umma patted an empty space next to her, telling him to sit.
"Have you eaten yet?" His umma asked
"Yae, I ate with the hyungs" He respond and plopped himself beside her.
"Good" His umma nodded
"Umma.. Who was on the phone?" He asked
"Ah~ it was your cousin, Lee Hyeri. She's going to stay here on her visit while your appa and I go on our business trip." His umma smiled
"What?!" JungKook shot up among hearing the news. "Umma, how could you?"
"Waeyo? It's only your cousin, how hard could that be?" She nudged him tenderly with a slight chuckle. "Come on~ I don't know how you two played as child but, sweetie.. it'll only be a few weeks and by then, umma and appa will be back from our business trip" She smiled. "We'll be leaving in two weeks so in the meantime, help us move some furniture into the spare room, arasso?" His umma pinched his cheeks before leaving the room.

JungKook dragged his feet upstairs and collapse with a thud onto his bed. Staring at the ceiling for so long he trailed off into a deep sleep.

Flashback『 JungKook age 5: "Umma!!" Baby JungKook uttered loudly in his high pitched voice while banging on a closet door with his little bare hands.
"Umma!!" He sobbed louder leaning against the door. He turned his head only to see darkness around the room and just a small crack of light creeping in from under the door.

Just then, due to all the banging, something fell from above landed on top of JungKook.
He bursted into tears, crying the top of his lungs while yanking on the mystery item. "Ahh!! Snake!~"

The door swung open with shock gaze. "Omo! JungKookie" Mrs. Lee, his aunt, came over taking him into her embrace.
"There was a snake" He inhaled between each word
"Shh it's alright now. See? It's only a scarf" She said warmly. He turned slowly gazing at the scarf.
"Now sweetheart, how did you get locked in there?" Mrs. Lee asked wiping away his wet cheeks. Trying to calm down, he could only manage to point at a picture frame.
"Lee Hyeri!!" She came running in once she heard her mothers' shout.
"Could you explain me why is JungKookie here in your closet all locked up.?" Mrs. Lee asked in a stern tone
Hyeri looked at JungKook then back to her upset mother.
"He kept taking my stuff and won't give it back!" She blurted scowling at him
"Hyeri.. You got to understand, he's younger than you and don't forget, you were just like him when you were younger" Mrs. Lee said

-- JungKook age 10 --

"Kookie! Look who came to visit" Mr. And Mrs. Jeon stood by the door smiling
JungKook ran to the door and wad greeted by Hyeri and her parents.
He froze in place not knowing how to respond.

(Hours later)

"Give it back!" Hyeri shouted, chasing JungKook around the living room for the remote.
"Never! You don't ever do anything but eat and sleep" JungKook exclaimed
Hyeri stopped her track. "Are you calling me fat?!" She glared at him
"Oh, I never thought of that. Ahh!!" He muttered his thoughts aloud but then took off running when he saw Hyeri charged at him.
"Give it!" She pounced on him
"Kids!" Mrs. Jeon and Mrs. Lee came back from groceries shopping in shocked. They scanned the room. Pillows and cushions been thrown everywhere, broken vase shattered all on the carpet floor, books and papers falling off the shelves, the television been left on, and some misplaced furnitures.
"Lee Hyeri, what have gotten into you!? Do you even know how old you are?" Mrs. Lee scolded her
Mrs. Jeon placed a hand on her shoulder telling her to calm down.
"JungKook.? I want you and Hyeri to clean this place up, but first tell me what happened here" Mrs. Jeon said trying not to scold the two kids.
"He won't give me back the remote" Hyeri exclaimed putting him at fraud
"Hyeri!" Her mom snapped
"That's enough, please clean this place up before your father comes home" Mrs. Jeon told the kids and left heading to the kitchen with Mrs. Lee to prepare for dinner. 』End of Flashback

[ To be Continue.. ]

Author's Note: Hey guys! ^^ a short chapter this time >< sorry but I hope you guys enjoyed it ^^
Also, lol a new image of JungKookie~^^* and a new character coming in O.o xD
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Working on next Chapter woo~

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