Chapter 24

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-In the Gym-

Basketballs shooting in hoops, laughter and instinctively filled the gym room, students did their individuals activities.

"Hara" Sohyun called eyeing the volleyball as she surfs it towards her direction.
"Ahh --oof!" She was tripped and pushed by no other than Jiyoon and EunHye.
"Oh look, a helpless worm" Jiyoon smirked glaring down at Sohyun as the two stood before her laughing.
"Yah!" Sohyun scowled.
"Awh~ what's wrong? Did I hurt your feelings?" Jiyoon mocked bending over to her eye level. Hara rushed over helping her into a standing position.
"Yah.. What's your problem?" Hara defended
"What? Hah.. seriously.." Jiyoon hissed in disbelief. "You, took something that is mine and I won't let you get away with it!" She glared while pointing her finger at Sohyun. Hara turned to look at Sohyun who had a determined look on her face with a slight of confusion.
".. JungKook oppa?" Sohyun thought then her expression lit up knowing that it was what Jiyoon had meant.
Before she could open her mouth to speak, their coach blew the whistle as everyone gathered around.
"Alright today we'll be playing soccer.." Their coach announced
"Don't try to escape" Jiyoon cockily walked up toward Sohyun with arms crossed and a smirk plastered on her face.
"Bring it on" Sohyun replied confidently annoyed by the way Jiyoon had treated her and how she always accused her as a thief.

*whistle* The girls divided themselves into two equal teams, Sohyun and Jiyoon glare at one another as they were chosen to be team captains of their team. The coach blew the whistle signaling the game has begun. Sohyun quickly dribble the ball with her feet as she ran towards the opposite goal, but got knocked out of the way when Jiyoon bashed into her to steal the ball. Further into the game, the game became fierce and intense between Sohyun and Jiyoon as if it was only them. Being hit and tripped many times the two still continue to play. Hara and EunHye pantingly came to a stop in the middle of the field, breathlessly the two and the rest of both team tried their best to catch up with their team leaders. On the last round of soccer, Sohyun dribbled the ball across the field while Jiyoon and the rest scattered beside her. She looked up to see the goal not too far from where she was. She then kicked the ball, but in shock Jiyoon had appeared in front of her causing herself to trip over the ball and banged her head against the ground.

Sohyun stood there speechlessly not knowing what to do as she saw Jiyoon started to cry.
*whistle* The coach rushed over. "What is going on here!? Miss Kim Sohyun, you should be ashamed of yourself!" She scolded
"What? It was an accident--" Sohyun was puzzled and frustrated due to the fact that it wasn't her fault that Jiyoon got hurt.
"She didn't mean to, Jiyoon-shii got in the way!" Hara interrupted couldn't stand to watch her friend being scold for something she didn't meant to do.
"Enough, no more complaints. We can and we will discuss this in the principal's office" Within that she walked off with the rest of the girls.
"Awh, how pity" Jiyoon teased as she cockily walked towards her with arms crossed while EunHye followed behind.
"Yah Jiyoon-shii.." Hara exclaimed with shocking eyes to see how Jiyoon pretended to be hurt.
"What?" Jiyoon scoffed while her face a few inches away from Sohyun's only to see glaring eyes.
Jiyoon and EunHye chuckled silently taking quick glances at each other. "Don't be silly, I'm just getting started" Jiyoon smirked. "Besides.. This wouldn't happen if you would just return him back to me or.. he will just leave you instead" The two walked off laughing to themselves

"Come on.." Hara whispered to Sohyun before going in with the rest.

-After School-

"Hey" Hara said once Sohyun came out of the Principal's Office looking all gloomy, probably from all the scolding and lectures she was in.
"How'd it go?" She asked only to hear a hummed in reply.
"Sohyun-ah, don't listen to them.. It wasn't your fault" Hara continues to comfort Sohyun as the two walked down the hallway to their lockers.


"JungKook oppa?" He heard some voices coming from behind. He turned around in surprise to see a girl standing in front of him with her heads hung low.
"Yes?" He replied
The girl held out her arms while her heads still hung low.
"What is this?" JungKook asked confusedly looking at the gift bag in her hand then back to her.
"For you" She said shyly
JungKook took the gift and peeked inside to see a box of chocolate with a note on the side.
"Thank you" JungKook smiled
The girl's head shot up with a beamed expression. "Really? I made them myself" She exclaimed jumping in her own place then clumsily stumbled, not noticing anyone around her.
"Yah!" Jiyoon uttered glaring up at the girl
"Sorry" The girl bowed her head in apology
"It was just an accident" JungKook said
"Uh oppa, I'll be going now" The girl bowed her head and quickly got out of sight before he could reply.
JungKook stuck out his hand to help Jiyoon off the floor.
"Thanks" Her smile faded once JungKook turned and walk away.
Jiyoon quickly thought to herself for an idea then it hit her.
"Wait--ah!" Jiyoon made a dramatic fall onto the floor with a loud thud, knowing JungKook's kind heart he would never leave someone hurt alone. He rushed over and helped.
"Gwenchana?" He asked
"Mm, my leg.." She pouts while continuing her act.
"Here" JungKook pulled her up into a standing position and lead her out of the hallway. Just then, Sohyun and Hara appeared at the end of the hall. Sohyun widen her eyes looking from Jiyoon then back to JungKook.
"Did they.." Sohyun thought
"Sohyun-ah, wait!" JungKook lets go of Jiyoon and ran after her.

"Sohyun!" JungKook was abled to catch up to her
"Don't.." She said avoiding eye contact
"Please, it's not what you think. Jiyoon fell so I kinda helped.." JungKook explained
Sohyun looked up at him with sad eyes, disappointed how he would be on Jiyoon's side all of a sudden than to be on her's. She took in a deep breath before speaking. "Arasso.. I forgive you.." She gave a small smile. ".. But don't do this again" She pouted
"I promise" He smiled sticking out his pinky as she hooked it with a stamp.
"Oh? What's that?" Sohyun asked eyeing the gift bag in his hand.
"This? Ahe~ a fangirl gave it to me. Jealous?~" He teased
She playfully scowled with pouty lips. "Pabo.."
"Wae? Fine, I'll eat them all by myself" He said referring to the chocolates

"Yah, how could you be so selfish?" Suga and the boys who just finished their rehearsal without JungKook, came from behind them smiling at the two lovey-dovey.
Jin stood in front of JungKook smiling then he ruffled his hair.
"Wae~?" JungKook whined
"How could you be that way to my Sohyunnie~" Jin joked
"What? Hyung.." JungKook said
"Sohyun-ah, lets go eat" Taehyung exclaimed wrapping his arm around her shoulders
"Yeah and maybe JungKookie will learn how to share" J-Hope added
"What!?" JungKook gaped at his hyungs who was all around Sohyun, laughing.
"Gaja, I'm starving" J-Hope clapped his hands together before they headed out of school.
Jin smiled and nudged JungKookie who stood alone dumbfounded by his hyungs. "Gaja"
"Sohyun, let me hold that for you" Rap Monster offered, as a gentleman, to carry her backpack.
"Hyung, don't. You're going to break the strap like you did to mine" Jimin uttered
"I already told you~ It wasn't me~!" Rap Monster exclaimed with a bit of whining in his tone.

[ To be Continue.. ]

Author's Note: Hey guys! ^^ thank you so much for reading my story even though it's bad >< I haven't been mentioning Sohyun lately, I apologize for that so these next few chapters will have more focus of her ^^" also in this chapter I tried giving more descriptions so please excuse me if you don't understand it or like it >.<
So please leave me feedbacks/comments about my story and please vote ^^ Thank You~

Next Chapter will be up soon ^-^

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