Chapter 27

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The next day Sohyun decides to go to school. Knowing that she'll face the person that broke her heart, she just couldn't resist the love she still has for him. As she walk to school, a long lecture of questions and worries on where she was instead if school shot out from Jin's mouth.
"How could you just skip school like that --you're not that kind of person.. and also, why was Daehyun in front of our house last night..?" Jin continues to lecture while Sohyun quietly ignores.

By the time Sohyun and Jin enters the school building, lots of stares and whispers can be heard from many students all around. Going further down the halls, a group of students all crowded around a big poster. Sohyun and Jin curiously went over to see what the commotion was and in surprise an enormous picture of JungKook with another girl, with only a side view to identify the girl to be Jiyoon.
Sohyun's eyes widen in horror to remember the scene from before. She then turned around to run but freezes when she saw JungKook standing afar, side by side with his hyungs in shock. She hesitated to escape and at the end she took off running.
"Sohyun!" JungKook tried to budge. Just when Suga grabbed his arm, he shot him a sorrow stare.

"Yah.. Wasn't that JungKook oppa's girlfriend?" A girl talking to her friend asked as they walked by.
"Uh, how can oppa be so rude" Her friend replied disappointedly

"Yah JungKook.. Don't be like this, eh?" J-Hope knew JungKook and the rest of the boys had heard the girls' conversation just then.

Jin sighed silently staring right in front of the poster while everyone else slowly head to class. ".. Only if Sohyun would listen.." Jin tore down the poster as the boys turned towards him.
"Gaja, we should go to class now" Taehyung and the rest all started to leave. Jin looked down at the poster, crumbled it up and threw it in the trash before joining the others.


*honk honk* As the bell rang for school to be out, JungKook dragged his heavy feet outside the building feeling his life was nowhere to be found. Just when he heard a car honked at him, he shot his head towards that direction. From a distance he saw his parents waiting for him in the car.
"JungKook!" His Umma waved at him to get his attention as she pokes her head out the window.

For moments of silence, JungKook sulkily sat in the back seat gazing out the window watching houses and cars past by. "Where are we going?" He spoke realizing they weren't heading home.
"Omo, sweetie, did you forget? We're going to the airport to meet your cousin" His Umma said
"And also your Umma and I are going on a business trip, don't you remember?" His Appa added
JungKook quietly look out the window once again and hummed in reply.
His parents looked at each other in worrisome but manage to pull a smile, a sheepish one.

-at the Airport-

"Sweetie? Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?" His Umma gently sat beside him on the bench while waiting for his cousin to arrive. With no responds she frowned.
"Ahemm.." His Appa walked up and cleared his throat asking her to leave so he can talk to his son alone.
His Appa exhaled as he plopped himself next to him. ".. Is it about the girl..?" He straightforwardly said without any hesitation.
JungKook shot him a look of surprise, but sheepishly looked away once his appa started to giggle.
"You know.. Back in the days when your umma and I first started dating, we went through.. a misunderstanding -- up to the point she wouldn't want to see me anymore. But.. for the fact, I made it up to her.." His Appa softly said
".. How did you do it?" JungKook asked
"I never gave up on her.. and I don't think you should either" His Appa smiled while placing an arm over JungKook's shoulder and nudged him.
"Yeobo, JungKook!" His Umma hollered and waved to get their attention, telling them the plane has landed.
"Gaja" His Appa said patting JungKook's back before pulling himself off the seat.

"Where is she.. Omo! Lee Hyeri~!" His Umma shouted once she spot her
"Auntie~~" She happily ran towards her and gave her a big hug. "Uncle~" She did the same
"Omomo, you're gonna break my back" Appa teased
"Ahe~ ani, Uncle you're still young and strong" Hyeri joked
"Omo, JungKook!" Right when he turned his head to look at her, she had already pounce giving him a big hug. "Yah~.. You gotten so big" She exclaimed
"Annyeong" He said a bit uncomfortable how she was hanging on him
"Aigoo.. You're so cute!" She pinched his cheeks and went over to Umma and talk.
JungKook blankly stared at her in shock to see a huge change from the past and just a second ago.
"I'm sorry.. but in a few minutes Uncle and I are leaving for our business trip" Umma said
"Yae.." Hyeri pouted
"But JungKookie will be here" His Appa nudged his shoulders again.
She looked at him with a big smile.

"Annyeong, umma" JungKook peck his mother on the cheek then went over to his appa before they get on the plane.
"Annyeong, auntie" Hyeri gave her a hug
"Hyeri-ah.. please watch over Kookie for us?" His Umma whispered in her ear
JungKook and his appa came together with the others and waved watching his parents enter. "You kids take care!" His parents hollered

-JungKook's House-

"--are you hungry? We can go out and eat.." On the way home, they took a taxi, Hyeri would continuously talk as if she was interviewing someone.
"Thank you, Ahjussi" JungKook quickly paid and got out of the car once they've arrived as he couldn't stand another minute of her talking.
".. o-or we can order instead! JungKook!" Hyeri shouted while he dashed out the door
She let out a breath and turned to the driver. "Thank you, Ahjussi" She said

She got out of the car to see JungKook unloading the trunk.
"What are you doing!?" He exclaimed when she tried to grab the suitcase out of his hand.
"This is mine, I can carry it" She said
"Aniyo, I'll carry them" He yanked it away from her and carried it all upstairs to her room where she'll be staying for her visit.
She tilted her head to the side, can't seem to understand what was wrong with him.

"Ah~.." Hyeri plopped herself on the couch after finish unpacking everything in her room. "JungKook! I'm hungry.. let's go out and eat" She turned around and rest her chin on her forearm once she saw JungKook walking by.
He paused and shook his head. "Aniya.. Noona can eat alone.. I'm going to bed" He said, beginning to walk up the stairs
"Already?!" She exclaimed and looked at the clock that read 7 o'clock.
"Yah JungKook, how about watching a movie with me?" She retorted
"Aniyo.. Good night, noona" He said continue to walk upstairs

"Ah waeyo~.. What's his problem.? If you don't want to do things together then just say so.. He's no fun" She complained, crossing her arms and pouted.

Meanwhile, all alone in his room, JungKook pulled out his phone still trying to connect with Sohyun.
"Sohyun-ah.. " He began, muttering at every words he spoke. When he end his voicemail, he stood up to turn the lights off. All of a sudden, the room started to spin and his vision gotten blurry. He stopped and touched his forehead feeling the warmness coming from under his palm. Without thinking he quickly rushed over to switch the lights off and collapse beside his bed, clenching onto his stomach. Just then he felt his stomach growling of hunger from starving the past week.

[ To be Continue.. ]

Author's Note: Omg! Thank you soooo much for reading my story!! ^^ I have reached 51K!! Eeekk~^^* also I want to apologize for the late update >< hope you enjoy this Chapter and keep reading lol ^_^
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Next Chapter will be on its way~~~

Stay Tune ^ω^

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