Episode 1 "Pilot"

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Laurie opens her laptop, opens Skype, and calls her boyfriend. He answers.
"Hey babe" says Josh.
"Hey, it's good to see you, what's going on" asks Laurie.
"Eh, parents started arguing so I left" says Josh. Laurie proceeds to put her hair in a ponytail.
"Everything okay" she asks.
"Yeah, everything is fine, what about you" asks Josh.
"Okay I guess, just waiting on school to end, one more year left" says Laurie.
"I'll have to wait on you" says Josh.
"Yeah" says Laurie as she looks down.
"Hey, what's wrong" asks Josh as he turns a corner while heading home.

"Yeah it's just, nevermind" says Laurie.
"What is it" asks Josh.
"You said you would have to wait for me, and I'm not sure if you can" says Laurie.
"What are you talking about" asks Josh as he suddenly hits something while driving.
"SHIT" shouts Josh as he swerves down the road.
"JOSH, JOSH" shouts Laurie as she covers her mouth in shock. Josh's phone fell to the floorboard, and the picture went out. All she could hear was Josh moaning in pain.
"Josh, Josh are you okay" asks Laurie, there was no answer.
"Josh" says Laurie as the Skype call fails.
"Shit" says Laurie as she quickly rushes down stairs.
"Hun, what are you doing" asks her mom.
"Josh was in a wreck, come on" says Laurie as her mom grabs her purse and they head out to the car.

They get in the car, Laurie backs out of the driveway, and heads down the road. She grabs her phone and tries calling him, but he wouldn't answer.
"SHIT, come on Josh, be okay, be okay" says Laurie as she turns right, heading towards Josh's house, hoping he would be somewhere in between.
"Honey, you need to calm down" says her mom, Laurie just looks at her, then, there was silence. She soon came upon a four-way, she looked left, then right, and there he was, Josh's car, on its side.

"Oh my God no" says Laurie as she quickly drives over to him. She parks adjacent to his car, gets out, and rushes over while her mom calls 911.
"Josh, JOSH" shouts Laurie as she finds him upside down, in the passenger seat, blood on his face, and a piece of glass in his left arm.
"Josh, Josh answer me" says Laurie as she climbs through the sun roof, once in, she could see head lights of another car approaching. Her mom stops them for help, a foreign woman, and a man get out.
"Can you help us, my daughter's boyfriend was Inna wreck, he's still in the car" says Laurie mom.

"Josh, come on baby, talk, talk to me" says Laurie as she taps on his face. He opens his eyes.
"La, Laurie" mumbles Josh.
"Oh thank God" says Laurie as she kisses him.
"Miss, miss is everything alright, were here to help" says the woman.
"We just need to get him out of here" says Laurie.
"We will miss, now what's your name" asks the woman.
"Laurie, this is Josh".
"Okay, now my name is Saran, and this is Antonio, were here to help" says the woman.
"Ma,am would you mind moving to the right so we can get him out" says Antonio as Laurie slides to the back of the car.

Antonio climbs in, Saran watching from the windshield. Antonio repositions Josh and leads him out. Lauren follows them out, crying, in shock and joy that he's okay. They try to get him to stand but he was having trouble putting pressure on his left leg.
"An ambulance is on its way" says Laurie's​ mom.
"Good" says Saran.
"What did you even hit" asks Antonio as Josh looked over to the ditch and pointed.
"Him" says Josh as Laurie looks and gasps.

There was a man's body laying in the ditch, dead as it seemed.
"He was just wondering out on the road, I didn't see em, till it was too late" says Josh.
"We can deal with that once the paramedics get here, come on, we, we have to sit you down" says Laurie​'s mom, trying to get their attention off the corpse.
"Hold on, he may be still alive" says Saran.
"No, no Saran he's not" says Antonio as he attempts to hold her back.
"There they are" says Laurie as an ambulance closes in on them. They all wait in the middle of the roads no knowing the man was indeed, not dead.

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