Episode 8 "Alternative"

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Since activity outside the hospital lessened, they drug all the bodies outside, and set them on fire. Zack insisted that the kid be buried, so Antonio and Jake buried him in the hospital's garden.
"Do you think, helps coming" asks Jennifer.
"I don't know, they, have to though, don't they" says Saran.
"If they don't, what are gonna do" asks Jennifer.
"We could stay here, figure out any alternatives I guess" says Saran.

"What other alternatives do we have, I, shot a person, and, you killed more, what are we doing" asked Jennifer.
"They weren't people they were, something else" says Saran. Jennifer then hands Saran her gun.
"Then you deal with them, because I don't want to" says Jennifer.
"What why, you can't just, give up" says Saran.
"Saran, two days ago I was planning my wedding, now my boyfriend is dead, I never shot a gun before yesterday" says Jennifer.

"I'm not fit for this, killing people, who, eat other people, what the hell kind of shit is that" asked Jennifer.
"The kind we have to deal with, because if not, we'll die" says Saran she hands Jennifer back her gun.
"It's gonna get dark in a few hours, better head inside" says Saran as she heads in. Everyone followed back inside, through the back door, and they locked it behind them. Zack looked at the burning bodies through a window, and shock his head.

Meanwhile, Laurie and Britney still sat in the shower.
"Why, did you come here" asks Laurie.
"I had to get you" says Britney.
"I was fine, and now, Josh is dead" cries Laurie.
"I'm sorry Laurie, I am, but I couldn't let you come out her and get killed" says Britney.

"Don't scream at me, it is not my fault" says Britney.
"Everything was fine, until you came out here" cries Laurie. Josh's parents started to bang against he shower door.
"Look, we can talk about this when we get out of here" says Britney.
"There is nothing to talk about, ever" says Laurie as she stands up.
"Me and Josh, was gonna get help, and come back, and now, it's ruined, everything is wrong" cries Laurie.

The banging on the door became louder, and moans and grunts rang out.
"SHUT UP" shouts Laurie at the parents.
"Laurie, you need to calm down" says Britney.
"Calm down, HA, LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING" shouts Laurie. The moaning intensified, and Laurie lost it. She opened the shower door, kicked the mother down, tripping the dad.

She grabbed Josh's gun and shot them both in the head. She then sit down beside Josh.
"Laurie, let's just, get back to the hospital, we can figure everything out there" says Britney. Laurie ran her hand through Josh's hair.
"I'm sorry Josh" says Laurie as she gets up, and heads out. Britney looked at Josh, shook her head, and closed the bathroom door behind her.

"Laurie, we have to talk abou...." Says Britney as she walks outside, seeing a man holding Laurie at gunpoint.
"Shit, let her go" shouts Britney.
"I don't think so, you are gonna listen to me" says the man. Britney grabbed her hatchet, and readied herself.
"What do you want" asks Britney.
"Vengeance, this is pay back for fucking up my day" shouts the man.
"What have we done to you, we don't even know you" asks Britney.

"This, car was mine. I was about to take my sick wife to the hospital, but this bitch took it, my wife, is dead now" says the man.
"Now, put down your weapons" says the man. Britney looked at Laurie, Laurie nodded and elbowed him in the stomach. Britney ran and went to hit him with the hatchet, but he pistol whipped her to the ground.

Laurie held her gun at him, but he pointed his at her mom.
"Drop it, now" says the man. Laurie slowly puts it down, along with her scissors.
"Both of you get in the car, you can drive" says the man as he lifts Britney up. He gets in the back, with Laurie.
"Turn around, and drive to the big yellow house, with a blue roof, on 23rd" says the man.

Britney holds her face as she turns around, and drives towards 23rd.
"You won't get away with this" says Laurie.
"Shut up" says the man.
"Is there anyway, we can talk this out" asks Britney.
"No" says the man.
"I saw you, with a boy, where is he" asks the man. Laurie looked at him, and looked away.
"Oh, dead huh, too bad" he says.

"Fuck you" says Laurie.
"You're the reason my wife is dead, so fuck you" says the man.
"Look, I'm sorry about your wife, but we are just waiting for help, we don't won't any trouble" says Britney.
"Help isn't coming, this is bigger than, anything, and it's everywhere" says the man.
"How do you know" asks Britney.
"Last week, I flew in from Oregon, people were getting sick, eating people" says the man.
"It was only a matter of time before it got here" he says.

"Because of you, my wife, became one of them, she became an eater" says the man.
"It wasn't on purpose, I'm sorry" says Laurie.
"I bet you are" says the man. Britney makes a left and pulls up to the house.
"Get out, go in" says the man as they all exit the car. They head inside the house, seeing his turned wife, tied up on the floor.

"Sit down" says the man as he follows them into the living room.
"Look please, just let us go" says Britney.
"Sit down, and shut up" says the man as he points the gun at her. They both sit down, not too far from the so called "eater".
"Now, just to show that I'm not joking" says the man as he shoots Laurie in the arm.
"NO, GOD NO" shouts Britney as she holds Laurie.

"God, ahh, ah" moans Laurie.
"What the hell" shouts Laurie.
"Oh please, a gunshot is nothing compared to what my wife went through" said the man.
"What happened to your wife, WASN'T OUR FAULT" screams Laurie.
"IT WAS, IT WAS YOUR FAULT" he shouts. Britney ripped her shirt and tied it around Laurie's wound.

"What's your name" asks the man. There was a moment of silence.
"Britney" she says.
"Laurie" she grunts.
"Well Britney, Laurie, I'm Landon, and I do not appreciate, you stealing from me" he says
"Landon, I'm sorry, for your loss, but me, and Josh, didn't know, I'm sorry" says Laurie.
"Sorry, ha, that's what I had to tell my wife as she passed away in my arms" says Landon.

Back at the hospital...."They've been gone a while, think she found them" asks Saran.
"I hope so" says Robby.
"Maybe they found help, and will be back tomorrow, or something" says Saran.
"Staying positive, that's good" chuckles Robby.
"I always am, no room for negativity, especially now" says Saran.
"I tried to be, with working here, it's important" says Robby.

"So, you, boyfriend, husband, with Antonio" asks Robby. Saran laughed.
"Oh God no, Antonio's my brother" laughs Saran.
"Oh, oops" laughs Robby.
"What about you, wife kids" asks Saran.
"No, none, no time" says Robby.
"Time now" says Saran. Robby looked at her and smiled. Then the sound of a helicopter filled the air. They looked out the windows, seeing a helicopter out of control, going down, and eventually, crashing.

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