Episode 11 "Our Adversary"

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A man had Jennifer held at gunpoint. He had a recent wound to his face, stitched up now.
"Let her go" shouts Robby. The man laughed.
"You'll have to try harder than that, Robby" says the man.
"The hell, how do you" says Robby before the man interrupt​s.
"Don't worry about it, now, put down your weapons, or she dies" says the man. Everyone looked at each other.
"Now, would be great" says the man as they slowly out them down.

"Great, now, I suppose Laurie and her mom haven't told you about me" says Landon. He then shoves Jennifer to them.
"You know, the crazy kidnapper, got shot, but was still alive" says Landon.
"Oh shit" says Jake.
"Aha, you remember, good, good, now, get your shit, lead me back, please, and thank you" says Landon.
"Fuck you" says Robby.
"Oh, fuck me, see I was being nice, but I guess I can always kill one of your friends" says Landon.

He walks up to Jake.
"Open your mouth, like a good boy" says Landon as he shoves the barrel of his gun in his mouth.
"No, please, we can take you" says Saran".
"That's better" says Landon as he leans in close to Jake.
"Finish you later" he whispers.
"Alright, get up, come on, head out, lead the way" says Landon as everyone walks out.

He grabbed two of there rifles, a pistol, and Gage's machete on the way out. They were approached by an eater, sheriff, freshly turned, a revolver in his holster. Landon walked up and stabbed him in the head.
"Look at that" he said as he reached for the revolver. Gage then ran up and attacked him to the ground.
"GO, RUN" he shouted as everyone scattered.

Landon wrestled with Gage until eventually kicking him off. Gage grabbed the dropped revolver and pointed it at Landon, whom had a rifle pointed at him.
"Leave" says Gage.
"Good luck with that" says Landon.
"You can go now, please" says Gage.
"Why do you even care, you just met these people, and they are, bad, people" says Landon.

"I need them, to get me to Wilmington, you're not messing that up for me" says Gage. An eater was now stumbling up behind Landon, but he was unaware.
"I heard of that place, we could easily get there together, but I need these people dead first" says Landon. Gage shakes his head
"I would go with you, but you'll be dead first" says Gage as the eater attacks Landon. Gage ran and grabbed his machete and a pistol and bolted out of there.

All that was heard was some screaming, then a gunshot. Landon's fate was left unknown as Gage made his way down the street. He looked for everyone else in his way back. Eventually, he found then little ways from the hospital.
"Gage, are you okay" asked Saran.
"Fine, here" he says as he hands her the pistol.

"Thank you, for getting us away from him" says Jennifer
"Don't mention it, asshole was crazy" says Gage.
"Is he dead or" asked Jake.
"I don't know, the dead attacked him, I bolted" says Gage.
"Well, if he is still alive, we need to leave as soon as possible, he knows where were at, he'll be coming" says Robby. Two jets then flew over them, from the hospital, also revealing to the group how close the horde was.

"Shit, they're close, we have to get going now" says Robby as they all start running down the street.
Back at the hospital.
"It will be dark soon, try need to hurry back" says Britney.
"Well, they said leave if they weren't back before dark, so leave without em" says Laurie.
"We're not gonna leave without them right" asks Zack.
"Of course not, we will wait" says Britney.

Jets then flew over head.
"What the hell was that" asks Laurie.
"Jets, why though, if they are still flying over, there has to be safe-zones, somewhere" says Britney.
"Doesn't mean they will be willing to help people like us" says Laurie.
"Doesn't mean they won't either" says Zack. Laurie looked at him, and looked away.

"Things are gonna get bad, soon" says Britney. Laurie looked at Zack.
"What are you talking about" asks Laurie.
"It's close" says Britney. Laurie and Zack get up and go to her seeing how close the horde was.
"Oh shit" says Laurie as she grabs her backpack and gets the last gun left.
"We can wait, for them, but not too long" says Laurie.

Britney grabs her bag and Zack does the same. Britney hands Zack the machete.
"You're gonna need it, I know you don't like to but" says Britney.
"I know, I'm scared, but, I'll fight" says Zack.
"Good, now, just stay behind me and" says Britney before everyone else comes running in.
"Oh thank God​" says Laurie as she hugs Saran.

"You were gone a bit longer than we thought, Jennifer, what happened" asked Britney.
"It was and accident, I'm okay" says Jennifer.
"We, ran into your friend though" says Robby.
"Oh shit, he's still alive" asks Laurie.
"Yes, well, maybe, he attacked us, wanted us to bring him back here, to kill you" says Jake.
"Should've killed him when I had the chance" says Laurie.

"Hey, don't worry about it you we just need to get these supplies sorted out, and head out before it gets dark" says Gage. They unload, and immediately start sorting out what they need, and what they can carry. A loud noise startled them all as it began to rain.
"Great, just great" says Antonio. Lightning and thunder made it self know dark clouds rolled in fast.

A little time passed and everyone was ready to head out.
"Can't we wait a few more minutes, see if the storm passes" asks Zack.
"I don't think we can" says Gage.
"We can, it will be okay, we can wait a minute" says Robby. Laurie looked over at the care Josh drove into the hospital. Flashbacks hit her, Josh stepping out of the car, her hugging him, a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Do you guys think things will get better, it's been a few days, since that night" asks Saran.
"I, hope, but right now I'm in doubt" says Britney.
"Things can't be this bad everywhere, there had to be, somewhere, safe" says Jake.
"Let's all hope" says Gage as he looked at the incoming horde.
"Perhaps we go out the back" suggests Jennifer.

"Yeah, good idea" chuckles Gage as they head to the back of the hospital. Dried blood and bullet holes from the swat men, bad memories. Gage turns around and faces the group
"If things go south, just try to make it to Wilmington" he says.
"It won't, we will get through this" says Robby.
"Make sure your guns are fully loaded, don't use unless, you're about to die" says Gage.

He turns around and opens the door. Only to be looking down the barrel of a gun.
"Miss me" asks Landon as he hits Gage in the face and points his gun at him. Laurie gasped and pointed her gun bat him.
"No, no, drop it, or the kid dies" he says as he points at Zack. Everyone slowly lowered their guns.
"Good, good, now where were we" he asks.

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