Episode 7 "Cuts and Bruises"

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Now.... Laurie sat in a bathroom shower, crying, blood all over the outside of the shower door. Moaning sounds, Laurie looked at he hand, JL was written on it. She looked at her mom whom was also in the shower, in shock. A hand rubbed up against the door, and slowly started to slide down, over and over again. Laurie looked down, tears rolled down her cheek, and she nodded.
"Just, live" she said.

Earlier.... Laurie and Josh are minutes away from his house.
"My mom's probably up now, worrying, freaking out" says Laurie.
"You didn't have to come, I know you wanted to leave, but" says Josh.
"I wasn't gonna let you go alone" says Laurie. Josh looks at her, and smiles. They then pull up to his house.

There were a few people still hiding inside their house, looking out the window at them.
"Ready" asks Josh.
"As I will ever be" says Laurie as they step out of the car. Josh pulls out his gun as they approach the house.
"Just, in case" says Josh. Laurie nods, and they head inside. No one was in sight, except a sick person, that got in through the opened back door.

Laurie goes up and stabs it in the head while Josh closes the door. Then, the celling fan stopped turning, and a few lights went out. Josh flipped a switch on and off, nothing.
"Powers out, great" says Laurie.
"We can't have everything I guess" says Josh as he walks into the kitchen.

"Mom, dad, it's Josh" he shouted. There was no answer.
"Maybe they left" said Laurie. Josh sat down on the couch in the living room, holding his head.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay, we'll find them" says Laurie.
"I wish I believed you" says Josh as he grabs a pen off the table.

"My lucky pen, had it for years, still works" chuckles Josh.
"Why is it lucky" asks Laurie.
"I don't know" laughs Josh. He then grabs Laurie's arm and writes JL on her wrist.
"What's that" asks Laurie.
"It's, what we need to do" says Josh.
"Which is" asks Laurie.
"Just, live" says Josh.

Back at the hospital.... "They're surrounding us, we have to do something" says Jake.
"How many patients did you have" asked Antonio.
"A couple dozen, I, I'm sorry" says Robby.
"We can take em" says Zack.
"What, no, too many, no way" says Robby.
"Well the longer we wait, the more there will be" says Zack.
"Kids got a point" says Saran as she grabs a scalpel.

Jennifer held up her gun and aimed it at the door.
"Fine" says Robby as he grabbed a knife.
"Ready" asks Jake. Everyone agreed.
"One, two, three" says Jake as he opened the door. He hit one with a broken chair leg, and then smashed it's head in. Saran stabbed one in the head, but let go because of the pain from her gunshot. Antonio then stabbed one in the eye.

Robby stabbed two of them, Jennifer shot a few, Zack just watched. Saran grabbed a pair of scissors, and stabbed one in the neck, but it fell on top of her.
"Saran, no" shouts Antonio as he shoved a person down and goes to her. Saran held the man off her, but her gunshot was killing her. Antonio stabbed one more, and pulled the person off her.

One woman came up behind Antonio, but Zack pushed her down. Robby then stabbed her, and proceeded to help Saran up. Jake tripped the last one coming in, and started bashing it's brains in. Having flashbacks​ of his brother getting shot, one hit after another. When he finished he looked up, everyone was starring at him in shock.
"What" asked Jake.

"You okay" asks Antonio as he helps Saran to a chair.
"Fine, I'm fine" says Saran as she holds her wound. Then, a final person started crawling around the corner. It was a kid, no more than 10, in a hospital gown.
"Oh, God" says Saran. Jennifer looked away, Jake held his head in shock.

Zack was almost in tears, he then grabbed Saran's scissors, and stabbed him in the head. He then walked to the corner of the room, and sat down. Everyone looked at each other.

"Help me, drag them out" says Robby as he and Jake start moving bodies.
"Is this what the world will become" asks Saran.
"I, think it already has" says Antonio.

Meanwhile.... Britney was a few minutes away from Josh's parents. She gets to the end of the street, and walked the rest of the way. In the house, Laurie and Josh were in his room, putting their clothes back on. Then, there was a noise in the living room. They both get up and slowly head to investigate.

That's when they saw them. Josh's parents, both dead, turned, stumbling around. Laurie put her hands on her mouth, Josh lowered his gun in shock.
"Mom, dad" mumbles Josh as a tear rolled down his face.
"Josh, we have to" says Laurie before Josh interrupts her.

"I can't, I, wont" cries Josh. Britney then walked in the room.
"Mom" says Laurie.
"Laurie, move" says Britney as she pulls out her hatchet.
"NO" shouts Josh as he shoves her down.
"Josh, what are you doing" asks Britney as Laurie helps her up. Josh's mom then bit him on the right arm.
"AAARGH, GOD" screams Josh as he shoves her off.

"JOSH" shouts Laurie as she grabs him.
"Come ON" shouts Britney as they rush to the back if the house.
"Ah, shit, theres no where to go" says Britney. Josh then opens the bathroom door, and lead them in. But before he could close the door, his dad grabbed him and they fell to the ground. His mom followed in.
"JOSH, NO" shouts Laurie as she grabs his hand.

His dad bit his neck and blood sprayed on Laurie's face. Britney opened the shower door and got in, she then pulled Laurie from Josh, into the shower.
"JOSH" shouts Laurie as Britney closes the door. Josh slams up against it as his parents eat him alive.
"Josh, Josh" cries Laurie.
"L, Laurie, I, love you" mumbles Josh as his mom takes a bite out of his face.

Laurie watched in shock as Josh's body fell to the floor, and his parents devoured him. All that was left was blood on the outside of the clear glass door. Laurie set back in the shower, crying, nothing but moaning sounds could be heard. She looked at her hand, JL it said. She then looked at her mom, she was in shock.

A little time passes, and a hand rubbed up against the door, and slowly started to slide down. Laurie just realized, Josh had, turned.
"Josh, Josh" cries Laurie as he raises up. Britney started to cry.
"Josh, I love you, I love you Josh" cries Laurie. She then slowly opens the shower door, enough to let Josh's arm in. She grabbed her scissors, and looked at Josh.
"Josh.....Goodbye" cries Laurie as she stabs him in the head.

To be continued...

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