Episode 10 "Another Casualty"

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Laurie sat in the corner, holding her head. Zack sat beside her, watching the new guy.
"When Jake, Antonio and I went to the crash, we got interrupted by, a massive horde, hundreds, we had to flee" says Robby.
"Now, you watched us, how many did you see" asked Antonio. The man was sitting down in a chair, Jennifer holding a gun at him. He held his hand out
"Gage" he said.

Everyone just stared at him, until Britney shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you. Now, you weren't wrong, there were hundreds, and they're all heading towards this place" says Gage.
"That means we have to leave then" says Saran.
"Where would we go" asked Laurie from across the room. Jake laid the file in the table.
"This refuge, its where the helicopter was heading" says Jake.

"Wilmington" asked Gage.
"Yeah, how do you know" asked Robby.
"That's where I was heading, then the helicopter crashed, and then I saw you" says Gage.
"So why did you come to us, why didn't you just keep going" asks Robby.
"Because it looked like you needed help, and I need help getting to Wilmington" says Gage.."why should we help you" asks Jake.
"Because it will help you, you'll get somewhere safe, safer then here" says Gage.

Everyone remained silent and took in the proposition.
"We should go with him, we can't risk another casualty" says Saran.
"Even if we do go, we have nothing to help us on the way, not enough food, or weapons" says Britney.
"We can look, before we go, not everything has been looted yet" says Gage.
"Well we have to go today, get what we can, and leave as soon as possible" says Antonio. Gage gets up and grabs his machete and backpack.
"So, who's coming with me" he asks.

Everyone looks at each other.
"I'll go" says Robby as he gets a gun ready.
"So will I" says Antonio. Saran looks at him in concern as he grabs a gun.
"That it, come on, need at least two more, the more we get, the better off we are" says Gage.
"I'll go" says Saran as she grabs a backpack.
"Woah woah, you're hurt you ain't going" says Antonio.

"I'm fine, I'm going" says Saran.
"So will I" says Jake. Jennifer stepped forward.
"I'll watch your backs" she says.
"Great, get anything you can to carry supplies in, let's go" says Gage as they head out.
"You need to stay" says Antonio.
"Stop, I'm going, that's all there is to it" says Saran.
"Be safe" says Britney.
"You be safe too, I hope you and, Laurie.." says Robby.
"Yeah, me too" says Britney.

"We'll be back before dark, if we're not, leave" says Gage as they exit the hospital. Britney goes back to Laurie and Zack.
"Why didn't you go" asked Laurie.
"Laurie stop" says Britney.
"What, I don't need you here right now, why don't you get that" asks Laurie.
"I'm still your mother, and I'm not leaving you after what happened" says Britney.
"Why, because you think I can't handle it, that I'll go back to a razor blade" shouts Laurie.

"Laurie don't bring that up now, please" says Britney.
"Admit it, that's why you don't want to leave me alone, mom I may of had issues back then, but I can handle my own problems now" says Laurie.
"CAN YOU, BECAUSE YOU SURE AS HELL COULDN'T 5 YEARS AGO" shouts Britney. Laurie looks down at her wrists, past JL, were old scars. Zack then got up and ran out of the room.

"Shit, Zack stop" says Britney as she chases after him. Laurie follows. Zack ran down the east wing of the hospital, and into the operating room. He sat down behind a table to get away from them. Little did her know he wasnt alone. To his left, a man that was having open heart surgery, had turned, and was stumbling towards him.

It bumped into a stand, knocking off a tray of surgical​ tools. Zack looked over and saw it, it's chest opened up, blood running down his stomach, heart hanging out. Zack's heart dropped as he started to crawl backwards. Britney ran past the room, but Laurie saw through the window what was going on.
"Shit, mom, over here" shouts Laurie as she barges in the room.

Laurie shoves the man over, and grabs Zack. The eater grabbed her by the ankle, tripping her. Britney ran in and go Zack out of the way, and then ran to Laurie. She pulled him off, and got Laurie up and out of the room. Britney pulled out her knife, and stabbed it in the back of the head.
"I'm, sorry" says Zack as he walks off. Laurie and Britney just looked at each other.

Meanwhile, Gage led the group to a local food-mart.
"We should be able to fill up here, get back sooner than we thought" says Gage.
"He careful, use your knives, grab any can goods you can" says Gage as he opens the door. He decapitates the first eater he seen, and everyone scattered into the isles. Saran stabs an eater, and starts tossing canned corn and beans into her backpack.

Robby and Jake clear out to isles, gathering carrots, peaches, yams, and noodles. Jennifer and Antonio went to the back and filled their packs with water and canned green beans. Everything was going good until something fell of the back shelf. He Jennifer​ looked at Antonio, nodded, and went back to check it out. She readied her gun as she approached the shelf, not knowing what to expect.

She aimed around the corner, but saw nothing. She shrugged and turned around, only to come face to face with an eater. She screamed as it attacked her to the ground, she had her gun holding it off, but couldn't shoot it. Antonio and the others came running. The eater grabbed her arm and pulled down, making her pull the trigger. The gun fired four times up at her, one bullet grazing her left cheek.

Antonio pulled it off and stomped on it's skull. Robby helped her up as she held her bleeding cheek.
"Jesus what happened" asked Saran as Jake and Gage approach.
"Just, surprised me" says Jennifer.
"Here, let's get that covered" says Antonio as he takes her to the back.

"There's a pharmacy a few blocks down, we can fix your wound there plus the gunshots probably drew attention" says Gage.
"Good idea, let's go" says Jennifer.
"Are you sure I can fix it right her" says Antonio.
"I'm fine, let's go" says Jennifer as she gets up.
"Come on, out the back" says Gage as they all follow him out. Jake grabbed a large bag of cereal on the way out, not explaining why.

They slowly made their way across the street, and down to the pharmacy. They went inside and took out 3 eaters. Jake cut a hole in the cereal and poured a line in front of the door.
"What are you doing" asks Gage.
"If anyone comes in we'll hear them" says Jake.
"Wow, smart" says Gage as he heads to the back counter.

"Grab antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, anything we can use" says Gage as he starts grabbed medications from behind the counter. Everyone was gathering need, Antonio was patching Jennifer'​s wound, Jake was keeping watch.
"Jake, come fill this crate, we can carry it back" says Robby.
"You sure we want to take all this" asks Jake.
"We can sort it when we get back" says Saran. As Jennifer was getting meds, she saw the door open, slowly. She went over to investigate, before being grabbed. Everyone heard cereal crunch, and turned around guns raised.

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