Episode 6 "Decampment"

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The next day.... Sun shined on Laurie's face through a small window, eventually waking her up. She raised up, stretching and yawning. Everyone else was still asleep. She leaned in close to Josh and whispered his name twice. He woke up, looking at her, confused at first, then nodded. They gather their little supplies they found, be sneak out into the hall.

They had both planned to leave after last night. Josh had to get his parents, and they could stay there forever. It may be stupid, but if they find help, they can come back, get everyone to safety. Josh had his gun, 4 bullets left. Laurie had s butchers knife, and a pair of scissors. They both brought two bottles of water, and a few canned goods from the hospital's storage.

They climb over the car, and unlock the door with the key from the front desk. Josh takes one last look at the remind of the woman that got eaten in front of him.
"Come on" says Laurie as they exit the hospital. There were corpses everywhere, wrecked cars, a few sick people, some real people, locking themselves inside their homes. A building in the distance was on fire, filling the sky with black smoke.

"What the hell is happening" asks Laurie.
"Beats the hell out of me" says Josh.
"Okay so, we get your parents, then what" asks Laurie.
"Head back here I guess" says Josh.
"Head back, wasn't leaving part of the entire plan" asks Laurie.
"Well it is, but, if we get my parents, where are we gonna go, and we can't just, leave your mom" says Josh.
"But she just wants to wait this out, I don't" says Laurie.

"So you'd rather risk being killed by these, eater things, then wait it out with your family" asks Josh.
"You are my family Josh" says Laurie.
" That's not what I mean" say Josh. They soon come upon a running truck.
"No way" says Josh as they go up to it, keys were still in, doors opened.
"Left just for us" says Laurie.
"I think you're right" says Josh as they get in, and drive off.

A little bit down the road, a man, owner of the truck they just stole, walked out of a house. He just watched them drive away, and then went back inside. Josh opened the glove department, finding two turkey and cheese sandwiches.
"Holy shit, breakfast" says Josh as he hands one to Laurie.
"I must say, today's not going as bad as I thought it would" says Laurie.

Josh then puts on a pair of sunglasses he found on the floor.
"How do I look" he laughs".
"Oh, hot" laughs Laurie.
"Don't I always" laughs Josh.
"Well, there are some days" says Laurie.
"Well, there are some days.." says Laurie.
"Oh fuck you" laughs Josh. Laurie busted out laughing and grabbed his hand.
"We're gonna be okay, right" asks Josh.
"We're gonna be fine, everyone, will be fine" says Laurie.

Back at the hospital.... Britney just woke up. She looked over, and saw that Laurie was gone, so was Josh. There was a note laying on Laurie's blanket, it read "went with Josh to get help, will be back eventually, I love you, Laurie".
"Shit, Laurie. Robby, guys, get up" says Britney. Everyone woke up quickly in shock.

"What, what's wrong" asked Robby.
"Laurie and Josh left, to get help, we have to go get them" says Britney.
"I'm not going out there" says Zack.
"Neither am I" says Antonio as he helps Saran up.
"I'll go by myself then" says Britney
"You're not serious" asks Robby.
"I am, I can't let my daughter wonder around out there" says Britney.

Robby then grabbed the note.
"Well, she said she would be back, we should just stay" says Robby.
"That's if she doesn't die, I have to go find her" says Britney.
"Britney, please, just stay" says Saran.
"You don't know where she went, but she knows where we are, she will be back" says Antonio.
"Robby, why do you want to stay, you said because of your patients, but, you haven't even checked on them" says Britney.

Robby remained silent.
"Robby, what did you do" asks Britney. Robby looked at Zack, then Jake, then Jennifer.
"Robby" asks Zack.
"Look, when everyone started attacking each other, most people get their loved ones out, but, seriously injured people, couldn't go" says Robby.
"Some were in comas even, some barley conscious, I wanted to help, but, there's nothing I could do" says Robby.
"What did you do" asks Antonio.

"I, I turned off, their machines" says Robby. Jennifer gasped.
"You what" asked Jake.
"Look, it was for the best, with everyone gone, they weren't gonna make it" says Robby.
"I wanted to stay for them at first, but, then just for you guys" says Robby.
"You weren't wrong" says Britney as she goes to him.

"Are you serious" asks Jennifer.
"Yeah, he's right, they would've just suffered, he did what he thought was right" says Britney.
"I thought it, I didn't tell you, we could stay together, help each other through this" says Robby. Britney looks at the note, and considers everything going on.
"Robby, I believe you, but I have to go" says Britney.

"You don't have too, she will be back" says Robby.
"I can't, I'm sorry" says Britney as she gets up and gathers her things.
"I can go with you then" says Robby.
"No, stay here, if I find her, I'll be back" says Britney.
"Britney, are you sure" asks Saran.
"I have to get my daughter" says Britney as she hugs Saran.

"Be careful" says Zack. Britney nods and walks out. She climbs over the car, and heads outside. A sick woman started wondering towards her, Britney just looked at her rotted skin, bloody face, and then, stabbed her in the head. The woman dropped to the ground dead, revealing a bike behind her. Britney out it to good use, and took it.

She made it about half a mile before running into two swat members. She stopped, and tried to be quite as they walked ahead of her. But a person attacked her, she gasped and fell of the bike. The swat members were alerted and shot the sick person off. Britney gets up and grabs the bike.

"Look, I'm not sick, or, infected, I'm just, trying to find my daughter" says Britney. The men just kept their guns pointed at her. Britney knew they were gonna shoot her, so she closed her eyes. But all of the sudden, loud screams came from behind Britney. She turned around and saw a group of people with machetes and hatchets.

Britney leaped out of the ways they ran past her, attacking the swat members. A few were shot, but the people hacked them to death, and took their guns. Britney was in shock and confused at the situation. She grabbed a hatchet from a dead man, got back on the bike, and rode away from the scene. She took back roads from there to avoid anymore encounters.

Back at the hospital.... "Maybe we shouldn't let her go" says Saran.
"We couldn't stop her" says Robby.
"I know, but, she's out there alone, I hope she finds them" says Saran.
"I'm sure she will" says Antonio.
"Maybe they'll find help, I mean, there has to be people doing something about this, somewhere" says Zack. A sick person then bangs against the door, it was a patient.
"Oh no, no" says Robby.
"I thought you killed them" asks Jennifer.
"I did, but, not their brains" says Robby.

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